ITC Hemochron Response Whole Blood Coagulation System User Manual

Page 12

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Determining the Bolus Heparin Dose
Once the baseline ACT result for a patient is known, the bolus heparin dose can be determined, either by
performing an HRT or by entering a previously determined HRT value.

Note: Refer to the appropriate test package insert for information on required sample volume,

procedures for sample addition, and mixing and running the test.


Dispense the patient's sample into the HRT test tube and simultaneously press the START key.


Mix the contents of the test tube.


Insert the test tube in the well.


Upon clot detection, the information is displayed on the Bolus Hep Calc screen:

Note: If a value for Baseline ACT (from 70 to 250), HRT (from 200 to 1,500), or blood

volume is entered by the operator, a pound symbol (#) follows that value in all displays and


If necessary, enter or edit Baseline ACT, HRT, or Target ACT by pressing the corresponding numeral
key to display the edit screen, entering the value, and pressing YES to store the new value.

Note: Press 4 to update Patient Information. The PID cannot be changed at this time.


Press YES. The information is stored and the Bolus Heparin Dose screen is displayed:

Note: CalcDse is the calculated bolus heparin dose (in heparin units). Calculated values are
designated by a tilde (~) on the screen and in reports if based on manually entered values.

Manually entered values are designated by a pound symbol (#).


If the administered bolus heparin dose is different from that calculated, press 1 to display the edit
screen, enter the HepGvn value, and press YES to store the actual value.

Important: The HepGvn value is used to report the total amount of heparin given. Be sure
that the actual value is entered if it is different from the calculated value.


Press YES. The bolus heparin dose information is stored and the RxDx System screen is displayed.

Determining Additional Heparin Dose
After the bolus heparin dose for a patient is calculated and administered, the ACT test is run again to

determine if an additional heparin dose is needed.


Display the RxDx System screen.


Press 2. The Heparin Dose screen is displayed.


Press 2. The Additional Heparin Calculation screen is displayed:

Note: If AutoCalc is selected in the setup menu and the ACT value is less than the target ACT,
then Steps 2 and 3 are not necessary.


If necessary, enter or edit Baseline ACT, Bolus Heparin Dose Given, Post Bolus ACT, Target ACT, or
Current ACT by pressing the corresponding numeral key to display the edit screen, entering the
value, and pressing YES to store the value.