IKA C 200 User Manual

Page 23

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After the measurement open the cover to au-

tomatically empty the inner vessel. Remove the
decomposition vessel and the ignition adaptor. To
release tension in the decomposition vessel use
venting button under a fume hood or venting
station C 5030 available in our accessories range.
See also section 1 "Safety precautions".

Open the decomposition vessel and check the

crucible for signs of incomplete combustion. If
combustion is incomplete, discard the test result.
Repeat the test.

6.5 Cleaning the decomposition vessel

If you suspect that the combustion sample,

the combustion gases produced or the com-

bustion residue could be harmful to health,

wear personal protective equipment (e.g.

protective gloves, breathing masks) when

handling these materials. Harmful or polluting

combustion residue must be disposed of as

hazardous waste. Express reference is made

to the applicable regulations.

In order to obtain accurate measurements it is
essential that the decomposition vessel is clean
and dry. Impurities alter the heat capacity of the
decomposition vessel and thus cause inaccurate
measuring results. It is important to thoroughly
clean the inner walls of the vessel, the internal
fi ttings (brackets, electrodes etc.) and the com-
bustion crucible (inside and out!) after each com-
bustion test.

In most cases, you will only need to remove con-
densate from the inner walls of the vessel and the
internal fi ttings. It is suffi cient to thoroughly wipe
the parts with an absorbent, non-fi brous cloth. If
the decomposition vessel cannot be cleaned in
the above way (e.g. due to baking, pitting, cor-
rosion etc.), please contact the Technical Service.

a) The measurement process is fully automatic

for automatic measuring procedures (isoperibol,
dynamic and time-controlled, see section 4.6).
The result will appear once the measuring pro-
cess is complete.

b) With the manual measuring procedure the
user decides when ignition is to take place and
when the measurement is complete.

To start ignition press IGNITE (F1)

Press the same key END (F1) again to end the


In the case of manual ignition / completion, "Pre-
paring to ignite" or „Preparing to complete" will
appear in the status line. Ignition/completion is
only fi nished when this display disappears (max.
60 sec.).