IKA C 200 User Manual

Page 15

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Time control

Calorimeter C 200 performs the measurement
automatically according to a set period of time
and calculates the provisional result. The measu-
ring time is set at 14 minutes.

4.7 Filling the calorimeter for the fi rst time

Before using the calorimeter for the fi rst time

you must fi ll the outer vessel with tap water.

Destilled and/or deactveted water may not be


To do this, pour two litres of tap water into the
fi ller of tank  (see section 4.1) using the measu-
ring cup provided.
The water must fi rst be maintained at a constant
temperature. To ensure accurate results, the initi-
al temperature must not fl uctuate too much.

Water temperature 18 °C - 25 °C with an ac-

curacy of ±1 °C during a measurement series.

You must now pump the water out of the tank
into the outer vessel:


1st FILL (F2)

Pumping procedure is started

Keep an eye on the water by pulling the fi ller of
tank  (see section 4.1) out the top.
When the overfl ow causes the water to run back
in the side of the tank, the outer vessel is full and
you must switch off the pump again by pressing
STOP OK (F2) once more.

You should change the water if it has been sitting
for a long time, see section 8.3.


UP/DOWN (F2) to "Unit"

OK (F1)

UP/DOWN (F2) select the desired unit

(default: J/g)

OK (F1)


Measuring procedure

You can choose between four measuring proce-


UP/DOWN (F2) to "Measuring procedure"

OK (F1)

UP/DOWN (F2) select desired measuring


(default: Isoperibol)

OK (F1)



Calorimeter C 200 automatically performs the
measurement according to the standard for iso-
peribol calorimeters and calculates the provisional
result for you. The measurement takes approx. 17
minutes with excellent result reproducibility.


This is ”student mode”. You work according to
the standard for isoperibol / isothermal calorime-
ters. You read the temperature values off yourself
every minute, calculate the temperature drift be-
fore ignition, ignite and end the experiment by
pressing F1, calculate the temperature drift after

the temperature increase and calculate the result


Calorimeter C 200 performs the measurement
automatically and calculates the provisional re-
sult. The measuring time is reduced to approx. 8
minutes thanks to a dynamic correction process.
It is still possible, however, to meet the accuracy
specifi cations of the international standards.