Introduction to distributed processing, Preface – Apple Qmaster 2 and Compressor 2 (Distributed Processing Setup) User Manual

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Introduction to
Distributed Processing

Rendering a series of large files on one desktop computer
is processing intensive and time consuming. You can
increase speed and productivity by distributing
processing across multiple computers.

High-volume processing is sometimes addressed by carefully managing multiple
computers; technicians set up batches of processing tasks for each computer, and then
monitor their progress, collect and route the processed files, and start over again with
new batches. While this is an improvement over the single-computer method, the
resource and process management can be laborious and slow.

The Apple Qmaster distributed processing engine provides a more efficient solution,
handling all the work distribution and processing for you, behind the scenes.
Apple Qmaster and the Apple Qmaster features of Compressor 2 manage the
processing across designated computers. They subdivide the work for speed, route
the work to the computers with the most available computing power, and direct
the processing.

UP01082.Book Page 5 Wednesday, March 16, 2005 5:12 PM