Using one, Computer to serve two distributed processing roles – Apple Qmaster 2 and Compressor 2 (Distributed Processing Setup) User Manual

Page 22

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Chapter 2

Preparing a Network for Distributed Processing

Example of a Minimal Distributed Processing Network

A very small distributed processing setup could include as few as two computers:

 One computer connected to the client and configured to act as both the service

node and the cluster controller

 One client computer

Though simple, this setup is useful in a small-scale environment because it allows the
client computer to off-load a lot of processing work.

See “

Example of an Expanded Distributed Processing Network

” on page 24 for an

illustration of a more powerful setup.


Service node with

cluster controller enabled

Minimum setup for distributed processing

Using One Computer to Serve Two Distributed Processing Roles

To maximize your resources, you may want to consider using some computers for
more than one distributed processing function.

 Service node and cluster controller: In a small setup, one of the service nodes in a

cluster can also act as the cluster controller so that it performs both functions.
However, in a cluster of many service nodes, the processing load required for the
cluster controller could be so high that it would not be efficient to use one
computer as both a service node and a cluster controller.

 Client computer and cluster controller or service node: You could also set up a client

computer to act as a cluster controller or service node in a cluster, but again, keep
in mind that the more available processing power a computer has, the faster it can
manage or process jobs.

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