System applications – Audio-Technica M3R User Manual

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System Applications

The nature of in-ear monitoring allows for endless experimentation; the
M3 Wireless In-Ear Monitor System can be easily configured to meet
your individual needs. While there are countless ways to use the system,
we have illustrated some typical setups below.

Note: In conjunction with these setups, follow instructions for system
operation. (See page 10.

3 Receiver Modes: Personal Mix Control, Stereo, Mono
The M3 Wireless In-Ear Monitor System offers three receiver modes:

Stereo setup: The signals from L/1 and R/2 are separate (not
mixed). The user hears L/1 through the left earphone, and R/2
through the right earphone. The user adjusts the relative level of
each signal via the M3R Receiver’s balance control.

Personal Mix Control: The signals from L/1 and R/2 are mixed.
The user hears the combined signal in both ears—and controls the
mix (by adjusting the relative strength of the L/1 and R/2 signals)
via the M3R Receiver’s balance control.

This is most often used when the transmitter receives two very
distinct mixes—such as band and vocal. During the performance,
the user can control how much vocal is heard relative to the band mix.

Mono setup: The mono setup is used when only a single mono
mix is available. The user hears that mix through both ears.

Stereo setup. See image A on page 14.
Basic stereo setup

On M3R Stereo Receiver:

Set STEREO Output;
Set STEREO Mode. (See page 9 )


Create separate left and right band mixes using two aux channels
from your mixing console.


Connect one of these aux outputs from your mixing console to the
L/1 input on your M3T Stereo Transmitter; connect the second aux
output from your mixer to the R/2 input on your M3T Stereo


Monitor the AF level indicators on front of transmitter to make
certain signal is not clipping. (Signal is clipped when the peak light is
on constantly.)


If necessary, use the trim control to adjust input level.


Use the balance control on your M3R Stereo Receiver to control
the left/right stereo image. (Turn the balance control to the left to hear
more of L/1; turn the balance control to the right to hear more of R/2.)


Adjust volume control to a comfortable, safe level. Note: Use
volume levels as low as possible.


(Optional). Use M3T Stereo Transmitter’s loop output to connect
L/1 and R/2 to a recording device.


(Optional). Insert Audio-Technica lavalier microphone (available
separately) into M3R Stereo Receiver to increase awareness of
ambient sound.

10. Any number of additional M3R Stereo Receivers can be set to the

same frequency and receive the same mix.

Personal Mix Control. See image B on page 14.
Typical two-channel operation using Personal Mix Control

On M3R Stereo Receiver:

Set MIX Ouput;
Set STEREO Mode.


Create a band mix with an aux channel of your mixing console.


On a separate aux channel of your mixing console, create a second
mix featuring vocals. (Alternatively, this second mix could feature
guitars, drums, keyboards, etc.)


Connect the band mix aux output to the R/2 input on your M3T
Stereo Transmitter.


Connect the vocal mix aux output to the L/1 input on your M3T
Stereo Transmitter.


Monitor the AF level indicators on front of transmitter to make
certain the signal is not clipping. (Signal is clipped when the peak
light is on constantly or distortion is heard.)


If necessary, use the trim control to adjust input level.


Turn the M3R Stereo Receiver’s balance control toward the left to
hear more vocal (L/1) in both ears; turn the receiver’s balance
control to the right to hear more band (R/2) in both ears.


(Optional). Insert Audio-Technica lavalier microphone (available
separately) into M3R Stereo Receiver to increase awareness of
ambient sound.

10. (Optional). Connect a midi click source (for drummers) to your belt

pack’s Aux Input.

11. Any number of additional M3R Stereo Receivers can be set to the

same frequency and receive the same mix.

Advanced two-channel setup (Personal Mix Control) Using direct
outputs and multiple M3 systems. See image C on page 15.

On M3R Stereo Receiver:

Set MIX Output;
Set STEREO Mode.

This setup enables each individual band member to control his/her
relative mix levels using the balance control on his/her M3R Stereo
Receiver. Turn the M3R Stereo Receiver’s balance control toward the
left to hear more vocal or instrument of choice level (L/1) in both ears;
turn the receiver’s balance control to the right to hear more band, (R/2)
in both ears.

Advanced two-channel stereo setup. See image D on page 15.
Multiple auxiliary sends and ambient audience microphones.
Note: Do not feed ambient microphones to main output of PA.

This setup enables you to create custom stereo mixes for each band
member using individual auxiliary outputs and IEM systems for each
band member.

This manual is related to the following products: