Drain line connection –connected models only – AccuTemp EVOLUTION GAS STEAMER User Manual
Page 18

The steamer produces water vapor along with the extremely hot products of combustion.
Applicable federal, state and/or local plumbing codes will dictate when and if a hood is required.
When installing a gas fired appliance in any location, provisions should be made for adequate make
up air. Additionally the appliance should not be positioned in locations where the appliance is subject
to drafts.
Air Supply
It is necessary that enough room air be allowed to compensate for the amount of air removed by any
ventilation system. All gas appliances require sufficient air to operate
Large objects should not be placed around the appliance which might obstruct air flow. Do not
obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.
Do not permit fans to blow at the appliance, and wherever possible, avoid open windows near to the
sides and back of the appliance. Check wall fans to make sure air cross currents are not created in
the room.
Floor Drain
The steamer should be located close to but not over a floor drain. Connect a ¾” ID reinforced rubber
hose rated for 212°F or higher to the drain fitting on rear of the steamer with a hose clamp.
Run the hose to the drain. DO NOT directly plumb the steamer to the drain, Leave a one-inch air gap
between the hose and the drain.
Optional Drain Connection
Run the hose to a funnel fitting leaving a one-inch gap between the hose and the top of the funnel as
shown in Fig 5. The drain hose must slope toward the floor drain or funnel.