Handar rs-232, Identify command i, Measurement command wx – Vaisala WS425 User Manual
Page 41
Chapter 4 ________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 41
Handar RS-232
When the sensor uses the Handar RS-232 message, it responds to polling
commands used for requesting data from the sensor. Table 9 below
summarizes these commands.
Table 9
The Handar RS-232 Polling Commands
Command Name
I Identify
Wx Measurement
Measurement unit change
Identify Command I
The identify command is I.
The following is an example of the command:
Vaisala WS425A/AH is the vendor and model number, 600 is version
6.00 of models WS425A/AH.
Measurement Command Wx
The measurement command is Wx where x is the time for averaging
wind speed and wind direction. x has a range of 1 to 9.
The following is an example of the command:
The interpretation of the output message is described in Table 10 on
page 42.