Serial mode, Overview, Serial mode default settings for the usa – Vaisala WS425 User Manual

Page 38: Serial

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USER'S GUIDE____________________________________________________________________

38 __________________________________________________________________ M210361EN-E

Serial Mode


You can use any computer or data logger that has a serial port to collect
the sensor data by using the serial commands. The communication speed,
parity, and number of data bits for the serial line can be selected by the
user. The sensor can be set to transmit data messages at predefined
intervals (autosending) or it responds to a polling string, which is specific
to a selected output message format. Various operational parameters can
be set through a terminal connection.


Since the serial line settings may not be known for a device, the settings
are held as constant for the first five seconds after powering up the
sensor. During this time, the sensor responds to commands issued with
settings such as 9600 bit/s, 8 data bits, parity None, 1 stop bit.

Serial Mode Default Settings for the USA

Vaisala WS425 Ultrasonic Anemometer, Firmware Version v6.04.

Operation Mode:

Handar RS-232

Wind Speed Units:


Average Interval (seconds):


Averaging Method:


Output Interval (seconds, 0 for polled):


Sensor ID Character:


Wind Direction Coast Threshold (speed units): 0.0
Head Orientation:


Baud Rate:


Parity: None
Data Bits:


Save Configuration

Do Zero Speed Calibration

Resume Operation


These default settings for the USA are used for product ordering options
x1xxx (for example, WS425 A1A2A, where number 1 refers to the
default settings.)