Third-party testing (field tests included), Nws asos mechanical wind sensor replacement, Lawrence livermore labs – Vaisala WS425 User Manual
Page 13: Tennessee valley authority

Chapter 1 ________________________________________________________ General Information
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 13
Third-Party Testing (Field Tests
NWS ASOS Mechanical Wind Sensor Replacement
Vaisala has participated in a three-year test program conducted by the
U.S. National Weather Service ASOS Program group. The NWS has
conducted a variety of tests including wind tunnel tests from 0 to 120
knots and field tests in various locations.
Lawrence Livermore Labs
Lawrence Livermore Labs tested the sensor independently and Grank
Gouveia and Ron Baskett have published a paper titled Evaluation of a
New Sonic Anemometer for Routing Monitoring and Emergency
Response Applications. A second paper titled Comparison of In-Situ
Data from the Handar Sonic Anemometer and the Met One Cup and
Vane [AMS proceedings of the 10th symposium on Meteorological
Observations and Instrumentation] published by Frank Gouveia and
Thomas Lockhart.
Tennessee Valley Authority
The TVA conducted comparative field tests of mechanical cup and vane
sensors versus the Vaisala WS425 Ultrasonic Wind Sensor. The results
were published in the AMS conference in 2001 by authors Kenneth G.
Wastrack and Doyle E. Pittman et al.
CETIAT (Centre Technique des Industries Aéraulique
et Thermiques)
CETIAT has evaluated the accuracy of the WS425 Ultrasonic Wind
Sensor in a wind tunnel against a laser Doppler anemometer (LDA)
reference sensor.