I-View FE-5MIPN 5-Megapixels IR Vandal Proof Dome IP Camera User Manual

Page 45

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Reset: You can choice reset the IP address or

all parameters become to the default setting.

Click the “ Reset IP address “ icon just let the

IP address only become to default only, the

reset parameters will keep the used setting.

Click the “Reset “ icon the IP camera setting

become to default.

Clicking Reset icon will restores all the parameters to default settings including the IP address

and user information. Please use this button with caution.

Even Log: Click this icon to search the even log, you can entry the specific period and event

then click “Search “ icon. The even log detail information will display on the window.

System upgrade: Click this button to upgrade IP camera’s firmware. Click ‘Browse’ button

to select a firmware image file on your computer first, then click ‘Update’ button. The IP

camera will auto reboot after update the Firmware. You can choice reset the parameters

become to the default setting or not when you update the Firmware.