I-View DM-5MIPN30 5-Megapixels IR Vandal Proof Dome IP Camera User Manual
Page 44

Source Resolution: Select video main streaming resolution from the drop menu.
Streaming ID: Streaming 1 means is the “ Main Streaming “ that for the recording purpose.
The streaming 2 means is the “ Sub streaming” that is for the remote viewing from Internet
when bandwidth is not enough or split video display to reduce the system loading.
Video Encode: The Video Encoding standard can be set to H.264 or MJPEG. You can set the
profile level to High Profile, Main Profile or Basic Profile for H.264 encode.
Audio Encode: There are G7.11 u Law /a Low compression. G.711ulaw selectable.
Resolution: Choice the video streaming resolution for display and recording.
I-Frame interval: It is the least compressible but doesn't require other video frames to decode.
Less number of I-Frame intervals will get less size of video streaming, but the video quality
will be worse when image change rate is high.
Frame rate: The frame rate is to describe the frequency at which the video stream is updated
and it is measured by frames per second (fps). A higher frame rate is advantageous when there
is movement in the video stream, as it maintains image quality throughout.
VBR (Variable Bit Rate): VBR files vary the amount of output data per time segment. It
allows a higher bitrates (and therefore more storage space) to be allocated to the more complex
segments of media files while less space is allocated to less complex segments.
CBR (Constant Bit Rate): The rate at which a codec's output data is constant. CBR would not
be the optimal choice for storage as it would not allocate enough data for complex sections
(resulting in degraded quality) while wasting data on simple sections.
Bit Rate mode: Set the max. Bitrate to 200~12000 Kbps. The higher value corresponds to the
higher video quality, but the higher bandwidth (file size) is required.
Quality: hen bitrate type is selected as Variable, 9 levels of video quality are selectable. The
higher will get better video quality, but the higher file size.
Save: Click Save icon to save the setting parameters.
Video setup: Setup set the image quality of the IP Camera, including brightness, contrast,
saturation, sharpness, etc. The detail deception as below:
Basic setup:
Adjust the video parameters such as Brightness, Saturation, Sharpness and mirror