Installing and running the jabra pc suite, Daily use — calling, answering and hanging up, The jabra pro headset – Lennox Hearth JABRA PRO 9470 User Manual
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Jabra PrO 9460, 9460-DuO anD 9470 user manual
5. InstallIng anD runnIng the Jabra PC suIte ................ 24
5.5 centRal adMiniStRation and MaSS dePloyMent ..........................................24
6. DaIly use — CallIng, answerIng anD hangIng uP ..........25
6.6 contRolling the SPeakeR voluMe and MicRoPhone ................................30
6.7 Switching Between youR Phone and headSet ................................................30
6.9 Managing call colliSionS and call waiting ..................................................31
7. the Jabra PrO heaDset ............................................................... 32
7.4 BatteRy indicatoRS, RechaRge and RePlaceMent .........................................40
7.6 noiSe Blackout™ MicRoPhone (JaBRa PRo 9470) .............................................41
7.7 noiSe-cancelling MicRoPhone (JaBRa PRo 9460 and 9460-duo) .............41