Product overview, System setup and connections – Lennox Hearth JABRA PRO 9470 User Manual
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Jabra PrO 9460, 9460-DuO anD 9470 user manual
1. IntrODuCtIOn ......................................................................................6
2. ImPOrtant safety InfOrmatIOn ..............................................7
3. PrODuCt OvervIew ...........................................................................9
4. system setuP anD COnneCtIOns .......................................... 14
4.3 PRePaRing the BaSe and and aSSeMBling the headSet ............................15
4.5 configuRing the JaBRa PRo BaSe foR youR deSk Phone .........................19
4.6 uSing a handSet lifteR oR electRonic hookSwitch .................................21
4.8 connecting JaBRa PRo 9470 to a MoBile Phone .............................................23