2 info on lakes, 0 quick info on lakes, 1 full info on lakes – Standard Horizon CP500 User Manual

Page 30: Info on lakes 4.2.0, Quick info on lakes, Full info on lakes

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4.2.0 Quick Info On Lakes

Upon viewing the chart of a lake, you will click on to query the available information
immediately displayed with many details. For example, see the following picture:

Figure 4.2.0 - Example of Lakes info

When the cursor is placed over the icon, the icons of the available services are shown:

Figure 4.2.0a - Quick Info: available services

If you press [ENT] all available information about the cartographic point under the cursor
will be shown. See the next paragraph.

4.2.1 Full Info On Lakes

The following is an example of Full Info on Lakes:

Figure 4.2.1 - Example of Full Info page