Rs/6000® publications, As/400® publications, S/390® publications – IBM 3590 User Manual
Page 12: Ibm fibre channel fabric publications, Ibm escon® publications, Rs/6000, Publications, As/400, S/390, Ibm escon
For additional information about RS/6000
systems, see:
v RS/6000 Getting Started: Using RS/6000, GC23-2521
v RS/6000 Getting Started: Managing RS/6000, GC23-2378
v RS/6000 Problem Solving Guide, SC23-2204
v RS/6000 V4 Problem Solving Guide, SC23-2606
v RS/6000 V4 Message Guide & Reference, SC23-2641
v RS/6000 Planning for System Installation, SA38-0508
v RS/6000 7017 Rack Installation and Service Guide, SA48-0548
For additional information about AS/400
systems, see:
v AS/400 Physical Planning Reference, SC41-5109
v AS/400 Control Language Reference, SC41-5720
v AS/400 Basic System Operation, Administration and Handling, SC41-5206
v AS/400 Security-Basic, SC41-5301
v AS/400 Automated Tape Library Planning and Management Guide, SC41-5309
v AS/400 Backup and Recovery, SC41-5304
v AS/400 Hierarchial Storage Management, SC41-5351
v AS/400 Backup Recovery and Media Services, SC41-5345
v AS/400 System API Programming, SC41-5800
v AS/400 API Reference, SC41-5801
v AS/400 Tape and Diskette Device Programming, SC41-5716
v S/390
System Overview Parallel Enterprise Server — Generation 5, GA22-7158
v S/390
System Overview Parallel Enterprise Server — Generation 6, GA22-1030
IBM Fibre Channel Fabric Publications
v Fibre Channel Storage Hub IBM 2103 Model H07 Installation, Service, and User’s
Guide, SC26-7289
v IBM 2109 S08 Switch User’s Guide, SC26-7349
v IBM 2109 S08 Switch Service Guide, SC26-7350
v IBM 2109 S16 Switch User’s Guide, SC26-7351
v IBM 2109 S16 Switch Service Guide, SC26-7352
v IBM Fiber-Optic Channel Link Planning and Installation, GA32-0367
Parallel and ESCON Channel Tape Attachment/6000 Installation and
User’s Guide, GA32-0311
3590 Operator Guide