Intelligent Motion Systems MDrive34 User Manual

Motion control, Features, Description

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MDrive34 Motion Control Datasheet




• Integrated Microstepping Driver,

Motion Controller and NEMA 34
High Torque 1.8° Stepping Motor

• +24 to +75 VDC Input Volt age
• Low Cost
• Extremely Compact
• Available Confi gurations:
- Single Shaft*
- Linear Actuator
- Internal Magnetic Encoder for

Closed Loop Control*

- Control Knob for Manual


- Integrated Planetary Gearbox*
• Three Stack Sizes Available*
• Single Supply
• Microstep Resolution up to

51,200 Steps Per Rev

• Open Loop or Optional Closed

Loop Control

• Programmable Motor Run and

Hold Currents

• Four +5 to +24 VDC I/O Lines
• One 10 Bit Analog Input
• 0 to 5MHz Step Clock Rate Se-

lectable in 0.59Hz In cre ments

• RS-485 Communications with

Selectable Baud Rate to 115K

• 62 Software Addresses for

Multi-Drop Communications

• Simple 1 to 2 Character


• 12.0” (30.5cm) Flying Lead


*Rotary Motor Only

The MDrive34 Motion Control is
available with optional closed loop
con trol. The closed loop con

fi g


ra tion adds a 512 line (2048 edge)
magnetic en cod er with index mark,
internal to the MDrive so there is
no in creas e in length. Func tion al ity
increases with the addition of stall
de tec tion, position main

te nance,

and fi nd index mark.

In addition to an encoder option,
available motor confi gurations in-
clude a single shaft rotary motor,
a dual shaft rotary motor with rear
control knob for manual positioning,
a planetary gearbox, or a long life
Acme screw linear actuator. Rotary
versions are available in single, dou-
ble and triple stack sizes: 24, 31 &
47. In ter face con nec tions are ac-
com plished using 12.0” (30.5 cm)
fl ying leads.

The MDrive34 Motion Control is a
compact, powerful and inexpensive
solution that will reduce system
cost, design and assembly time for
a large range of stepping motor


The MDrive34 Motion Control of-
fers the sys

tem de

sign er a low

cost, in

tel li gent motion con

trol ler

in te grat ed with a NEMA 34 high
torque step ping motor and a +24
to +75 volt microstepping driver.

The MDrive34 Motion Control adds
a versatile array of func tions by com-
bin ing a complete pro

gram ma ble

mo tion controller with our already
com pact and cost ef

fec tive stan-

dard MDrive34, adding little cost
and no increase in size. Stan dard
of fer ings include four +5 to +24 volt
general pur pose I/O lines, one 10
bit analog in

put, 0 to 5MHz step

clock rate, microstep res o lu tion up
to 51,200 steps per rev

o lu tion,

and a full fea tured easy-to-program
in struc tion set.

The MDrive34 Motion Control
com mu ni cates over RS-485 which
al lows for point-to-point or multiple
unit con

fig u ra tions utilizing one

com mu ni ca tion port. Addressing
and hard

ware support up to 62

uniquely addressed units com

mu -

ni cat ing over a single line. Baud
rate is selectable from 4,800 to

Patent P
