IBM Partner Pavilion T400F User Manual
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moderate-sized geographic area (1 to 10 km) such as a
single office building, warehouse, or campus.
log sense data. See SCSI log sense data.
loop. (1) A series of instructions that is repeated until a
terminating condition is reached. (2) To connect so as to
complete a loop.
loop ID. See loop identifier.
loop identifier (LID). In a Fibre Channel topology, the
identifier that a device assigns to an Ultrium 2 Tape
Drive. An operator uses the LID to set the AL_PA.
loop identifier (LID)/status connector. Located on
the Model T400F, the connector that is used to set the
Loop ID and provide status about the loop.
loop initialization protocol (LIP). A method by which
a device in a Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop acquires its
loss. In fiber optics technology, the amount of a
signal’s power (expressed in dB) that is lost in
connectors, splices, or fiber defects.
Low Voltage Differential (LVD). A low-noise,
low-power, and low-amplitude electrical signaling system
that enables data communication between a supported
server and the Ultrium 2 Tape Drive. LVD signaling uses
two wires to drive one signal over copper wire. The use
of wire pairs reduces electrical noise and crosstalk.
L_port. Located on the Ultrium 2 Tape Drive, the Fibre
Channel portal that facilitates communication only in an
FC-AL topology. An L_port also allows connection to
FL_ports and NL_ports.
LTO. See Linear Tape-Open.
LTO cartridge memory (LTO-CM). Within each LTO
Ultrium Data Cartridge, an embedded electronics and
interface module that can store and retrieve a
cartridge’s historical usage and other information.
LTO-CM. See LTO cartridge memory.
LTO-DC. See LTO Data Compression.
LTO Data Compression (LTO-DC). A method that
compresses a server’s data before the drive writes it to
tape. LTO-DC detects but does not recompress or test
record boundaries and file markers (which are encoded
as control symbols). It also allows switching between
compression and no compression within the data
stream, which prevents data from expanding when the
drive compresses random or encrypted data.
LVD. See Low Voltage Differential.
m. See meter.
magnetic tape. A tape with a magnetizable surface
layer on which data can be stored by magnetic
maintenance mode. The state of operation in which
the Ultrium 2 Tape Drive must be before it can run
diagnostics, verify write and read operations, verify a
suspect tape cartridge, update its own firmware, and
perform other diagnostic and maintenance functions.
MB. See megabyte.
media. The plural of medium.
media capacity. See capacity.
medium. A physical material in or on which data may
be represented, such as magnetic tape.
megabyte (MB). 1 000 000 bytes.
metal particle tape. In the LTO Ultrium Tape
Cartridge, tape that uses very small, pure metal
particles (rather than oxide coatings) in the magnetic
meter. In the Metric System, the basic unit of length;
equal to approximately 39.37 inches.
micrometer. One millionth of a meter (.000001 m).
Synonymous with micron. Abbreviated as µm.
micron. One millionth of a meter (.000001 m).
Synonymous with micrometer. Abbreviated as µm.
microsecond. One millionth of a second (.000001 s).
Abbreviated as µs.
millimeter (mm). One thousandth of a meter (.001 m).
millisecond (ms). One thousandth of a second (.001
mm. See millimeter.
Model T400. The version of the IBM TotalStorage LTO
Ultrium 2 Tape Drive that uses the SCSI interface.
Model T400F. The version of the IBM TotalStorage
LTO Ultrium 2 Tape Drive that uses the Fibre Channel
ms. See millisecond.
multimode fiber. An optical fiber that has a core that
is large enough to propagate more than one
electromagnetic wave of light. The typical diameter is
62.5 micrometers.
IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium 2 Tape Drive