InFocus MaxFlight MT3000(B) User Manual
Page 31

1-5D Pitch and Roll
CPU program commands motion via motherboard (COM 1), cabled to power box, to the
respective frequency drive unit. The program commands the direction and rate of movement.
The respective encoder sends a counter signal back to the CPU via the Interface card, cable to the
Motion Control card to the program. When the encoder signal cancels out the original drive
signal, all motion stops.
1-5E Balance
See paragraph 7-4A, it includes complete detail.
1-5F Interface with Relays
1. Brake relays in the power box are activated by the CPU via COM 1, to the serial
interface box in power box , to the inverter and finally the OPTO 22 relay. This relay
allows the second leg of 220 VAC power to get to the brake solenoid on the motors.
2. The Power Contactor relay is activated by pulling out the red E-Stop button. The
same button turns all power off to the power box by removing control from the
1-5G Interface with Motion Control Board
1. CPU provides +5 and +12 to the interface board from the computer power supply through
motion control card and ribbon cable to the interface board. This power (+5VDC) is used by
the encoders and all sensors except canopy and patron E-stop which use the +12 VDC. Using
dead end resistor network the (+12/5VDC) is used by the sensors powered from this panel.
2. All encoder return signals pass through the interface board to the CPU motion control card
and on to the program running.
All sensor switch indications run through the interface board. The signal that the CPU reads
is either a +5VDC signal or a high switch open or 0 VDC switch closed.
1-5H Interface with Unit Sensors
There are five sensors that are monitored by the CPU. Signals flow from the sensors to
the interface board on to the motion control board in the CPU. These are:
LH upper limit
RH upper limit
3. Down
Patron E-stop sensor
5. Canopy
5-1I Interface
Projector/TV and Monitor
CPU mother board processes the signal and passes it on to:
1. Monitor, connected to video output in rear of CPU, allows the operator
to see control windows etc.
2. VOODOO 3DFX card used on MT3000, units, these signals are
processed passed on through TV magic box, one consolidated signal
goes to the TV the other VGA signal goes to the INFOCUS projector.
1-5J Interface with Inverters and the power box
CPU program through the motion control board activates the inverters movement by sending a proportional
+ or – 10 VDC by way of the analog cable to the power box. This voltage gives direction and rate to the