Home Automation 1503 User Manual
Page 80

Home Automation, Inc.
strict accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, may cause
interference to radio and television
reception. It has been type tested and
found to comply with the limits for a
class B computing device in accordance
with the specifications in Subpart J of
Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are de-
signed to provide reasonable protection
against such interference in a residen-
tial installation. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause interference
to radio or television reception, the
user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
1. Reorient the receiving antenna
2. Plug the receiver into a differ-
ent outlet
If necessary, the user should consult
the dealer or an experienced radio/
television technician for additional
The Canadian Department of Communi-
cations label identifies certified
equipment. This certification means
that the equipment meets certain tele-
communications network protective,
operational and safety requirements.
The Department does not guarantee the
equipment will operate to the user’s
Before installing this equipment,
users should ensure that it is permis-
sible to be connected to the facilities
of the local telecommunications com-
pany. The equipment must also be in-
stalled using an acceptable method of
In some cases, the company’s inside
wiring associated with a single line
individual service may be extended by
means of a certified connector assembly
(telephone extension cord). The cus-
tomer should be aware that compliance
with the above conditions may not pre-
vent degradation of service in some
Repairs to certified equipment
should be made by an authorized Cana-
dian maintenance facility designated by
the supplier. Any repairs or alter-
ations made by the user to this equip-
ment, or equipment malfunctions, may
1. The Federal Communications Com-
mission (FCC) has established Rules
which permit this device to be directly
connected to the telephone network.
Standardized jacks are used for these
connections. This equipment should not
be used on party lines or coin lines.
2. If this device is malfunctioning,
it may also be causing harm to the
telephone network; this device should
be disconnected until the source of the
problem can be determined and cor-
rected. If this is not done, the tele-
phone company may temporarily discon-
nect service.
3. The telephone company may make
changes in it’s technical operations
and procedures; if such changes affect
the compatibility or use of this de-
vice, the telephone company is required
to give adequate notice of the changes.
4. If the telephone company requests
information on what equipment is con-
nected to their lines, inform them of:
a. The telephone number this unit is
connected to
b. The ringer equivalence number
c. The USOC jack required
d. The FCC Registration number.
Items b, c and d can be found on the
label on the inside of the Model 1503
Control/Communicator enclosure.
The ringer equivalence number is
used to determine how many devices can
be connected to your telephone line. In
most areas, the sum of the RENs of all
devices on any one line should not
exceed five (5.0). If too many devices
are attached, they may not ring prop-
5. In the event of equipment mal-
function, all repairs should be made by
our company or an authorized agent. It
is the responsibility of users requir-
ing service to report the need for
service to our Company or to one of our
authorized agents. Service can be ob-
tained at:
6. This equipment generates and uses
radio frequency energy and if not in-
stalled and used properly, that is, in