Home Automation 1503 User Manual
Page 15
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
If you do enter through an EN-
TRY-EXIT zone first, then the other
zones are disabled during the ENTRY
DELAY, in case you have to cross
through another zone to get to your
console (an interior motion detec-
tor, for example.)
To put your system in the AWAY mode,
Press the AWAY key.
Press your code number on the keypad.
The console will beep once and
the red indicator on the AWAY key
will light. Leave your home and
close the door promptly. The system
will be fully armed after the EXIT
DELAY. If you make a mistake, press
CANCEL and start over.
The programmed ENTRY DELAY is
__________ seconds; the programmed
EXIT DELAY is __________ seconds.
For extra convenience, the Model
1503 can be armed simply by press-
ing the HOME, ASLEEP or AWAY button
twice, eliminating the need to
enter the code.
To quick arm the system in the AWAY
mode, press AWAY, AWAY.
The quick arm feature only works
if the alarm system is in the OFF
mode, and if no alarms are sound-
ing. This feature is disabled when
the system is shipped from the
factory. If desired, it can be
enabled or disabled at any time.
You can BYPASS a zone that you
do not want protected while the
system is armed. Only the MASTER
CODE can bypass and restore zones.
Bypassing is also the only way
that a tamper or panic zone can be
disarmed. For example, if there is
a liquor closet or gun case on a
tamper zone, then you must bypass
that zone to gain access to it.
Another reason to BYPASS a zone
is if the zone is having trouble.
If a zone is causing a trouble
indication, you can bypass that
zone to “cut it out” of the system
until repairs are made.
When a zone is bypassed, it is
no longer checked for alarm or
trouble conditions. When you bypass
a zone using the console (or over
the phone) it will STAY bypassed
until you RESTORE it. The console
status display will show that the
zone is bypassed.
To bypass a zone, press the * key after
pressing any of the SECURITY keys, then
enter the zone number to bypass, then
ENTER, then your master code number.
For example, to arm the system in AWAY
mode and bypass zone 2, press AWAY, *,
2, ENTER, then enter your master code
You can also scroll through the
zones if you do not know which zone
number it is.
For example, to arm in the ASLEEP mode
with the UPSTAIRS WINDOW bypassed,
press ASLEEP, *, SHOW (repeat until the
display shows UPSTAIRS WINDOW), ENTER,