How to access hp laserjet training – HP Volume 23 User Manual
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How to access HP LaserJet training
Where is the one-stop-shop for HP LaserJet
training information? It depends on who is
requesting the training. Following are a few
training resources based on audience:
In North America, you may access
HP LaserJet training information from the
Partnership Web at
. Select
Training in the left navigation bar and then
select Printing and Digital Imaging from the
Service and Support Training menu. This site
provides both Web-based and instructor-led
training information.
Opportunities for HP Partners (outside the HP
The Learning Center, accessed at
main global resource for training content.
However, it contains only Web-based or self-
paced courses, not instructor-led courses. HP
Partners must obtain student ID numbers to
use this site. Use the following link to obtain
an external account:
For HP employees from any region, to log on
you must select North America as your
region, and enter an eight-digit employee
number (add leading zeros). To search for
courses, select Available Courses, and look
under Printers—Imaging/Print Technology or
Opportunities for HP Internal Employees (those
who sit inside the HP firewall):
Web-based and instructor-led formats—
search for “LaserJet.” Web-based courses
should always be available for download;
instructor-led course availability varies
according to course demand.
will track your learning progress and keep a
record of the courses you’ve taken.
The Learning Utility is a training repository in
which course materials are stored. If you can
not find what you are looking for on check out this internal site.
You must use the Browse LU search tool to
locate courses, and search for “LaserJet”. This
tool will not track your courses or provide you
with a learning record, so searching via first is recommended. There are
three servers available for the Learning Utility:
The Services Media Library is available on
CD by subscription. Partners with CSN.COM
access can order the CD; go to
and log on.
Select Support Tools & Information under the
Technical Support heading, click Technician’s
Toolbox at the top of the screen, then select
Order Now. This tool provides animated job
aids, videos, and computer simulations to
help you better understand HP products.
The Services Media Library is not an official
training Web site, but with animated job
aids, videos, and computer simulations, it is a
useful tool to help you better understand
HP products. The animations can be run from
the main server or downloaded to your
computer for more convenient access:
Procedures section under the product of your
How to access HP LaserJet training
HP learning center