Hand Held Products 4410 User Manual
Page 167

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An important aspect of the intelligent signature capture functionality is that all
dimensions used in the application are measured as multiples of the minimum
element size of the bar code. Using this method, intelligent signature capture
always outputs the correct image size and resolution no matter the distance at
which the scanner is held from the bar code, assuming that the entire signature
capture area is within the scanner’s field of view.
The intelligent signature capture for this application is:
IMGBOX Modifiers
S - Bar Code Aspect Ratio: This is the ratio of the bar code height to the narrow
element width. In the above example, the narrow element width is 15 mil (0.015”)
and the bar code height is 0.500 inches, resulting in a value of S = 0.500/0.015
= 33.33.
X - Horizontal Bar Code Offset: This is the horizontal ratio offset of the center
of the signature capture area in multiples of the minimum bar width. In the above
example, the horizontal offset is 0.
Y - Vertical Bar Code Offset: This is the vertical offset of the center of the
signature capture area in multiples of the minimum bar width. Negative numbers
indicate that the signature capture is above the bar code and positive numbers
indicate that the area is below the bar code. In the above example, the horizontal
offset is 0.80,” resulting in a value for Y = 0.80/0.015 = 53.33.
H - Height of Signature Capture Area: In the above example, the height of the
area to be captured is 0.80,” resulting in a value of W = 0.80”/0.015 = 53.3. The
value for H is slightly larger to have some extra image capture area outside of the
signature capture box.
W - Width of Signature Capture Area: In the above example, the width of the
area to be captured is 2.75,” resulting in a value of W = 2.75”/0.015” = 183.3. The
value for W is slightly larger to have some extra image capture area outside of
the signature capture box.
R - Resolution of Signature Capture Area: This is the number of pixels that the
imager outputs per each minimum bar width. The higher the value for R, the
higher the quality of the image, but also the larger the file size.