HotBrick VPN 800 / 2 User Manual
Page 6

How to set up VPN Failover on the LB-2 VPN or VPN 800/2
Property of HotBrick — 2005
Click on the ‘enable’ check-box on the ‘Detection’ line
Click on the ‘ICMP’ radio-box on the ‘Check Method’ line
Type the IP of the remote HotBrick Appliance LAN Network Interface (LB2 VPN or VPN 800/2)
on the ‘Host’ box.
Type ‘15’ on the ‘Check After Idle’ box line
Click on the ‘Remove Tunnel’ radio-box on the ‘Action’ line
The other options shown are not directly connected to VPN redundancy. They’re all options
used for specific situations where VPNs are used or needed.
Image 5a: The LB2 VPN Set Options page. Note that ‘’ is the LAN interface of the remote gateway.