HotBrick VPN 800 / 2 User Manual
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How to set up VPN Failover on the LB-2 VPN or VPN 800/2
Property of HotBrick — 2005
The products used in this lab have the March/2005 firmware installed.
Image 1a: The LB2 VPN with March/2005 firmware installed
Image 1b: The VPN 800/2 with March/2005 firmware installed
This solution is recommended for scenarios where VPN redundancy is needed, required or
Two WAN connections are needed on every node of the VPN tunnel.
This example was built using Static IP Connections on every WAN port, but it could be used
for other scenarios where PPPoE or dynamic connections are being used.
The worst case of redundancy delay requires up to 2 minutes of latency before traffic resumes.
The network project must accept this delay in the applications, software or whatever that is
requiring the VPN connection to work properly.
Step – by – Step Setup Procedure
Step 1: Setting up the VPN tunnels
First of all, it is necessary to establish two tunnels between both sites, always taking care to
consider the WAN1 VPN tunnel as the mandatory, or principal, VPN Connection and the WAN2 VPN
Tunnel (always) as the secondary or backup tunnel.
You will always have to build the tunnels connecting WAN1 to WAN1 and WAN2 to WAN2.
To receive help on how to establish an IPSec VPN tunnel, search for the appropriate step – by