HP 20B User Manual
Page 75

N key, 32
natural exponent: e to the power of x
key, 23
nCr, 27
negative numbers, 16
net future value, 43
net present value, 43
net uniform series, 43
nPr, 27
NPV: key, 42
NPV, IRR: menu items, 43
number entry, 16
number period: compounding, 55
number periods: amortization, 33
numbers: rounding, 28; storing and
recalling, 27
off: calculator off, 7
Off: key, 7
on: calculator on, 7
On: key, 7
P/YR: key, 32
parentheses: use in Chain mode, 17
parentheses (swap and roll down): keys
in RPN, 21
payback, 43
percent calculation: % calc key, 53
percentage: % key, 28
percentage of total, 53
percentages: simple, 28
periodic payment: PMT key, 32
PI. See Math Menu
population, 61
power functions, 23
Predictions: sub-menu. See Statistics
present value: PV key, 32
price: break-even, 51; face value. See
bonds; percent calculation, 54
principal, 33
probability, 25
product: x and y values, 63
profit, 51
quantity: break-even, 52
radians, 9
random function: RAND key, 23
recall arithmetic, 28
recalling numbers: RCL key, 27
reciprocal: 1/x key, 23
regression line, 61
remaining book value, 58
remaining depreciable value, 58
Reset: key, 13
roll down. See RPN
rounding numbers: RND key, 23
RPN: Reverse Polish Notation, 18
RPN stack, 18
S.E. SamP.X and Y, 61
salvage: depreciation, 58
scientific notation: EEX key, 16
scroll: up and down arrow keys, 8
semiannual: bond, 47
Sigma X,Y, 61
sign: positive, negative key, 16
sine: SIN key, 23
slope, 61
square of x: key, 23
square root key, 23
standard deviation, 61
start: amortization period, 33
start date: depreciation, 58
statistics: menu items, 62; one-variable,
61; one-variable weighted, 61; Stats
key, 61; two-variable, 61
statistics example, 63
stats menu, 61
storing numbers: STO key, 27
student, 25
sums: sub-menu. See Statistics
swap. See RPN
symbol: battery, 7
tangent: TAN key, 23
thousands separator, 9
time value of money: keys, 32
top line: display, 8
total: cash flows, 43
TVM: example, 32; storing and recalling
numbers, 28
up arrow key. See scroll
x: Sigma, 62; square of Sigma x, 63;
times payment per year, xP/YR key,
x mean, 62
x mean sample, 62
x population Std. Dev., 62
x prediction, 62
x standard deviation, 62
y: Sigma, 63; square of Sigma y, 63
y mean, 62
y mean sample, 62
y population Std. Dev., 62
y prediction, 62
y standard deviation, 62
y to the x power, 23
y-intercept, 61