Handspring 90 User Manual
Page 224

Page 224
connecting to computer 21
for local HotSync operations 72, 73
mobile phone 179, 180
USB 21
Advanced mode 115
Area view 121
Basic mode 114
buttons explained 114, 115–122
Finance view 117
Length view 120
Logic view 119
Math view 116
memory 114
menus 123
opening 55, 114
overview 55
recent calculations 55, 115
selecting mode 114
Statistics view 119
Trigonometry view 117
Volume view 122
Weight/Temp view 120
Calibration 17, 132, 204
Call Waiting, disabling 138, 157
Calling card, using in phone settings 138,
Capital letters 23
Expansion Card
Caring for the handheld 199
application 34
assigning records to 61
beaming 74–75
creating 62–63
default 61
displaying 62, 103, 206
folders for e-mail 171
merging 63
renaming 63
using in Applications Launcher 34
Chain calculations 115
connecting 15, 21
connector on handheld 13
Charging battery 15
Check boxes 17
adding cities 113
home city 112
menus 113
opening 54
overview 112
remote cities 112
Clearing Calculator entries 114, 116
COM port.
USB, port
Serial port
Combining categories 63
Command buttons 17
Command equivalents (keyboard) 26
Compressing Day view 94
Conduits 151
for connecting to PIMs 22
for modem HotSync operations 157
for synchronizing applications 207,
Confirming e-mail 167
Conflicting events 89
HotSync cable 21
service templates 139
to server or ISP 139
travel charger 15, 21
Connection preferences 131
*If Found Call* entry 100
adding custom fields 104
business card for beaming 74
copying 100
copying records 100
creating contact records 99–100
creating records 57, 99
deleting records 59
dialing from 101
Dialing Preferences 103
displaying category 103
finding records 64
fonts 72
menus 102
notes for records 71
opening 51
overview 51
private records 69
sorting records 68
Continuous events