Hyundai ImageQuest HQP421SR User Manual
Page 78

...... Continued from previous page.
At this point, one of the TV-Guidelines is selected.
Press the right button : Depending on your exiting setup, a letter "U" or "B" will start blinking.
(U=Unblocke, B=Blocked)
Whlie the "U" or "B" is blinking, press the Up and Down button to block or Unblock the category.
Press the Right button to save the TV-Guidelines.
A TV-Rating will selected, and no letters will blink.
To select a differnt TV-Rating, press the Up and Down button and them repeat the process.
Note 1 : The TV-Y7, TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA have additional options.
See the next step to change any of the following sub-ratings:
FV : Fantasy violence
L : Adult Language
V : Violence
D : Sexually Sugessive Dialog
S : Sexual situation
Note 2 : The V-Chip will automatically block certain categories that are “more restrictive”.
For example, if you block “TV-Y” category, then TV-Y7 will automatically be blocked.
Similarly, if you block the TV-G category, then all the categories in the “young adult”
group will be blocked (TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA).
The sub-ratings (D, L, S, V) work together similarly. (See next section.)
Go to step 16, if you need to set FV, D, L, S and V sub-ratings.
First, select one of these TV-Ratings :
TV-Y7, TV-PG, TV-14 or TV-MA (See Step ~, on previous page).
Next, while the TV-Rating is selected, repeatedly press the RIGHT button.
This will cycle through the available sub-ratings (FV,L, S, D or V).
A blinking letter (“U” or “B”) will be displayed for each sub-rating. While the “U” or “B” is
blinking, press the UP or DOWN button to change the sub-rating.
Press the RIGHT button to save the TV guidelines. A TV-Rating will be selected and no
letters will select. To select a different TV-Rating, press the UP or DOWN button and then
repeat the process.
Note : The V-chip will automatically block certain categories that are “More restrictive”.
For example, if you block “L” sub-rating in TV-PG, then the “L” sub-ratings in TV-14
and TV-MA will automatically be blocked.