Quickspecs – HP QUICKSPECS GS320 User Manual
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Power Option for
Power Option for
Power Option for
Power Option for
DS-SL13R-xx Shelves
DS-SL13R-xx Shelves
DS-SL13R-xx Shelves
DS-SL13R-xx Shelves
Additional power supply provides N+ 1 power for 4314R Ultra3 (LVD) StorageWorks shelves;
power supply uses a dedicated location in the shelf.
Not required for 4354R shelves.
Redundant power supply for 4314R Ultra3 (LVD) StorageWorks shelf, North America
Redundant power supply for 4314R Ultra3 (LVD) StorageWorks shelf, International
System I/O Expansion
System I/O Expansion
System I/O Expansion
System I/O Expansion
Model 24 systems support up to 12 PCI drawers; Model 32 systems support up to 16 PCI
drawers. One PCI drawer included in Model 24 and Model 32 base systems.
Model 24 and Model 32 power cabinets provide space for one additional PCI drawer if no
more than one internal storage shelf is configured.
Additional PCI drawers and storage shelves can be configured in 3X-H9A20-AD/AE/AF I/O
expansion cabinets, described in a subsequent section.
All PCI drawers contain 14 PCI slots configured into four PCI buses. Two of the buses have
four slots each; the other two buses have three slots each.
There are two types of PCI drawers: expansion drawers and master drawers. Base systems
include one PCI master drawer with 12 configurable PCI slots.
Expansion drawers contain 14 PCI slots and an N+1 redundant power system; expansion
drawers are used for most PCI expansion applications.
Optional master drawers contain 13 configurable PCI slots, N+1 redundant power system,
plus the console ports and storage devices required for use as a system console. (These devices
are listed on page 2. Note that the Fast Ethernet adapter is not included with optional master
PCI drawers.) Optional master drawers have two applications:
As redundant console sub-systems
As consoles for individual partitions in hardware partitioned systems
PCI drawers are connected to a QBB utilizing a 3X-KFWHA-AA system I/O module that
connects to the PCI drawer using two BN39B cables.
PCI Drawer Expansion
PCI Drawer Expansion
PCI Drawer Expansion
PCI Drawer Expansion
PCI drawers are connected to a QBB utilizing a 3X-KFWHA-AA system I/O module that
connects to the PCI drawer using two BN39B cables.
Maximum one additional drawer in system power cabinet; see "External Expansion Cabinets"
for more details.
PCI drawers can be split between multiple QBBs as long as all QBBs are contained within the
same hardware partition.
PCI drawers mounted in a common H9A20 Expansion Cabinet can server multiple systems.
Master PCI shelf mount box for system and I/O expansion cabinets with standard I/O PCI module
and 13 PCI expansion slots. (The 1st master comes standard with all systems and includes a standard
Ethernet network card and the system module and cable pair for connection to the QBB.)
Expansion PCI shelf mount box for system and I/O expansion cabinets with 14 PCI expansion slots
System I/O module for connecting to master or expansion PCI shelves
I/O module cable for connection between I/O module and master or expansion PCI shelves mounted
in system power cabinet; two are mandatory per system I/O module
HP AlphaServer GS320 (1224 MHz)
DA - 11424 North America — Version 7 — August 19, 2003
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