Calibration escape command (ce) – Epson 9840 User Manual

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I N T E R F AC E M O D E L 9 8 4 0 V E R 6 . 0 . 2

Calibration Escape Command (CE)

The Calibrate Escape (CE) command is used to cancel a calibration that was started
with the Calibrate Begin (CB) command. This format is CE.
@123 Calibrate Command - Canceled, Calibration NOT Changed

Calibrate by Millivolt-Per-Volt Command for One Point (CV)

The Calibrate by milli-volt per Volt (CV) command is used to calibrate a load cell using
its millivolt per volt calibration constant. You must have already started a calibration
using the CB command for this command to function. The format is CV(millivolt per
volt constant)# Note that a shunt check calibration will also be run at this time and so it
is important that the load cell is not under load when this command is entered. Note
that this command works for torque cell calibration as well.

@123 Calibrate Command - Reading for Shunt Check...
[10 seconds delay]
@123 Calibrate Command Completed
Ch A = S/N 123456, 1000.0 Lb , 4.50020 mV/v,

10.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 553.26 Lb Shunt

unused S/N 63220, 100.00 Lb , 2.99984 mV/v,
10.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 49.381 Lb Shunt
Ch B = S/N 89991, 1000.0 Lb , 4.50015 mV/v,
5.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 486.45 Lb Shunt

Calibrate by Millivolt-Per-Volt Command for Six Points (CMV6)

The Calibrate by milli-volt per Volt for six points (CMV6) command is used to calibrate
a load cell using 6 points of mass and milli-volt per volt each. You must have already
started a calibration using the CB command for this command to function. The format
is CMV6. Note that a shunt check calibration will also be run at the end of the
calibration and so it is important that the load cell is set at 0 (or no masses) when the
final command is entered.

@123 Calibrate by mV/Volt - 6 Point

Ready for Mass CMVM1 command

Calibrate by mV/V Mass and Volt Commands (CMVM and CMVV)

The Calibration by mV/V Mass (CMVM) and Volt (CMVV) commands can have up to
seven parts each: CMVM1 through CMVM6 and CMVM0; and CMVV1 through CMVV6
and CMVV0. You must have already started a calibration using the CB and CMV6
commands for any of these commands to function. To input the first mass issue the

M O D E L 9 8 4 0 P G 3 7

P U B .

2 8 5 6 - 1 6