Troubleshooting – Emerson 7400 User Manual

Page 60

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Series 7400 Single Phase 1+N UPS

6.1 Troubleshooting UPS systems

The UPS contains complex electronic control circuits that require a

firm understanding in order to carry out comprehensive fault
diagnosis and repair of the equipment. The following information

aims to provide a trained user with sufficient knowledge to

understand the nature of a fault through the correct interpretation

of the accompanying alarms and indications, and to carry out any
necessary first aid repair.


Some of the instructions in the charts at the end of this

chapter involve checking internal fuses. This should be

undertaken (after the equipment has been shut down)
only by a trained electrician who is familiar with the layout

and operation of the equipment and fully conversant with

the areas of potential hazard.

There is no practical way of detecting an impending UPS

malfunction. Most problems do not emerge as a gradual
performance degradation; generally the UPS either works correctly

or it will shut down - and transfer the load to the bypass supply if

applicable. However, it is important to maintain a regular record of

the UPS meter indications, as suggested in the maintenance
instructions, in order that any change in the system or load

characteristics are readily identified.

In general, the output voltage should be within 2% of nominal. If the

UPS has not operated on battery power within the previous ten

hours the battery charge current should be typically less than 6A.

If any indication differs significantly from the typical figures given

above the cause should be investigated.

Information concerning prevailing load conditions can prove useful

when discussing problems with the service agent - for example,

details of any particular load being started or shed at the time that

the fault occurred.

Troubleshooting should be carried out methodically using the
following guidelines-

Fault Identification
When first summoned to the scene of a UPS fault, your immediate

action should be to observe and record the displayed messages,
mimic indications, meter indications and the position of the UPS

power isolator switches. This should be completed before you

touch any switch.

C h a p t e r 6

C h a p t e r 6


6.1.1 Operating

Parameters and


6.1.2 General

