Emerson 7400 User Manual

Page 26

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Series 7400 Single Phase 1+N UPS

How to turn ON the System from a Maint. power-down condition

(Complete this action on module at a time)

This procedure should be followed to start the one-plus-one from a MAINTENANCE

power-down condition - i.e. where the load is being initially powered through the

internal maintenance bypass supply.

Step Action



Check that the UPS mains supply
(and bypass supply, if separate) is

turned on externally.


Close the input isolator (and static
bypass isolator if separate. For 110V

systems Static bypass isolator is

mounted in auxiliary cubicles).


Wait 20 seconds then close the

battery circuit breaker.


Press the battery metering selector

switch [B] (S4).


Press the Inverter OFF pushbutton



Close the Output Isolator


Open the Maintenance Bypass

Isolator on both modules then
Press the Inverter ON switch (S7) on

both modules.

(Note: The inverters of both modules are
inhibited if either modules’ Maintenance
Bypass Isolator is closed).

Mimic panel LEDs LS1 and LS3 should
illuminate immediately, to indicate that

the input and bypass supplies are


Inverter will not turn ON unless output

isolator is closed.

Inverter will not turn ON for 1+1

configuration at this stage.

Inverter will not turn ON at this stage with

output isolator open if modules are in

1+1 configuration.

Mimic panel LED LS2 should illuminate.

The display should indicate a positive (+)

battery charging current.

Mimic panel LED LS4 should extinguish

Mimic panel LED LS5 should illuminate to
indicate that load is connected to the

static bypass line.

(Note: In a Redundant Module system LS5 will
not illuminate on the second module to be
started as its static bypass line is inhibited).

Mimic panel LEDs LS4 (Inverter OK)
and LS6 (Load on Inverter) should

illuminate after approximately 30

seconds. (NB: In a Non-Redundant
Module system LS6 will not illuminate

on the first module to be started until

you reach this point in starting the

second module).

LS5 should extinguish at the same

time as LS6 illuminates.

LS7 (alarm) should extinguish.