Eureka Hex Screen House User Manual
Assembly instructions for the hex screen house

Assembly Instructions for the Hex Screen House:
REV E 10.09
You can usually assemble this screen house alone. However,
with first time set-up or with windy conditions, you will
need help.
Component List:
1 Screen/Body w/ Hub 1 Tent Bag 1 Pole Bag
6 Rafters 6 Poles 1 Stake Bag and Stakes
Layout the Parts
• Unpack the tent bag, pole bag and separate all of the
components. Choose a suitable place and unroll and
unfold the fabric with the Eureka! label up.
• Assemble all of the chain-corded poles and rafters. Check
and make sure that each section is fully seated into the
next. See fig.2.
Important: Locate the hub fitting attached to the center of
the tent roof. Align the hub arms to match the layout of the
corner pins without twisting the fabric. See fig.1.
Fit the Rafters
• Slide a rafter section labeled
"TOP" onto a hub arm.The
spring clip must engage the
slot in the hub arm. Repeat
with the remaining until all
rafters are secured in place.
See fig.3.
• Make sure the hub and
fabric are still aligned.
Raise the Frame
• Insert the corner ring & pin into the bottom section of a pole.
See fig.4. Then fit the top of the pole into the elbow of its
coresponding rafter.
• With a second pole, fit it into the diagonal opposite rafter and
pin to form and arch. Lift the arch, and working your way
around the frame, attach the remaining poles to erect a
free standing unit.
See fig. 5.
Attach the Fabric to the Frame
• Attach all of the top pole clips first. It may be necessary
to open the doors and step inside the shelter to reach
the clips. Then, attach all side clips. See fig.6.
• Stake down all corner rings and your Screen House is
ready. See fig.7.
Take down
• Zip the door closed.
• Unstake the screen house.
• Unclip the fabric from the frame.
• Remove the corner pins from the ends of the
poles and remove from the rafters.
• Remove the rafters from the hub. Collapse
the sections and store in the pole bag.
• Fold the fabric into thirds. Place the pole
bag on the fabric and together, roll them up.
• Pack all components into the storage bag.