Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter User Manual
Your tent is ready, Assembly instructions timberline sq outfitter

REV. A 10-.09
Take down: Pull up stakes and stow. Remove the fly. Un-clip the tent from the poles. Pull poles out
of the grommets, collapse the poles and stow in the bag. Fold the tent and fly. Lay the fly on the
folded tent along with the bag of poles. Roll up all and stow in the carry bag.
Optional: Add durability and versatility to your tent with our “Lite-Set” Footprint. It’s made of the
same fabric as the tent's floor: complete with web loops, grommets, and side release buckles. The
Footprint, in combination with the fly and poles creates a lightweight, compact basic shelter. This
option reduces the carry weight by more than 25%.
Assembly Instructions
Timberline SQ Outfitter
Component List: 1 Tent Body, 1 Tent Fly, 6 Part Frame Assembly, 1 Carry Bag,
1 Stake Bag with Stakes & Guy lines, 1 Pole Bag, 1 Pole Repair Splint
NOTE: Do not drop tent bag or pole bag on its end. Do not bounce tent bag on its end to
get the tent out. These actions may cut the shock cord and/or damage the pole ends.
Unroll and unfold the tent and lay it on the
ground. In windy conditions, stake down one
front corner into the wind.
See fig.1.
Fit the posts into the webs:
There are grommeted webs sewn to each
corner of the tent. Start at either end and working
you way around the tent, insert the posts into the
grommets. See fig. 3 & 4.
Raise the frame: Start at
either end and insert the ridge
pole into the hub sleeve labeled
EUREKA!. Walk to the opposite
end and grasp both the ridge pole
and the second hub. Push/curve the
poles until the ridge pole fits securely into the
second hub. See fig. 5 & 6.
At each corner, attach the web buckles from the fly, to
their mates on the tent web. Pull the web to adjust tension as
needed. See fig.14.
Stake down the fly: Use the silver skewers to stake through
the web loops on the vestibule/door. At each side of the fly, tie
guy out lines to the two rings and stake these down also.
Important: Use the slider to adjust tension.
For proper ventilation, the fly must
not lay against the tent.
See fig.15 & 16.
Your tent is ready!
Stake the tent down: The tent is now freestanding. Move it
to your desired location. Use the yellow stakes and drive them
down through the corner web loops.
Stake diagonally opposite corners
while applying tension to
smooth the floor wrinkles
and square the tent.
See fig.10.
Attach the extensions to the ridge pole hub: Fit one of the
ridge extension poles into the hub and into the rod pocket at the
edge of the fly. Grasp the top and pivot forward to seat. Repeat
at other end of the tent. See fig. 13.
Attach the fly to the
spreader pole: Reach under
the fly at the middle near the
roof. Locate the sewn on
pocket and slide it over the
pocket end of the spreader
pole. Repeat at the other
end. See fig. 12.
Join the frame sections on the ground:
Fit each pole to its mate or hub. The sections
are shockcorded. It is important to make sure that
each section has firmly seated into the hub. Improperly
fit poles may cause the hub to break.
Set the “A” frames over the tent so that the poles align to the tent corner webs
and the hub sleeve labeled EUREKA! is pointing toward tent center.
See fig. 2 & 3.
Attach the fly to the tent: Drape
the fly over the top of the tent. Pull
the fabric out and over the hubs
and out and over the spreader.
The fly fits either way. Align the
webs on the fly to the webs
on the tent corners.
See fig. 11.
“A” Frames
Ridge Pole
Ridge Extensions
Spreader Pole
Install the spreader pole: The spreader pole fits
across the top, over and perpendicular to the ridge
pole. There are two pockets sewn to the top of the
tent body. Fit the poles into these pockets. It is
easier if you slide the pole
into a pocket first and then
push it over to the other
side. See fig. 8.
Then, work your way down
and across the frame,
attaching the pole clips as
you go. See fig. 9 & 10.
Attach the tent body to the frame: There are two
types of connectors sewn to the tent body. For the
first, hang the two end shockcords onto the
stand-offs on the hubs. See fig. 7