4 using emp link 21l, 1 starting emp link 21l (for windows), 2 starting emp link 21l (for macintosh) – Epson 21L User Manual

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EPSON EMP Link 21L User’s Guide 11

4 Using EMP Link 21L

4 Using EMP Link 21L

This section describes how to use EMP Link 21L as well as its various functions.

4.1 Starting EMP Link 21L (for Windows)

When Windows starts up, EMP Link 21L starts at the same time and becomes available on the task tray
all the time. To display the EMP Link 21L screen (toolbar and dialog box), double-click

icon on the

task tray. Alternatively, right-click the task tray to display the menu. From the menu, select
[Display EMP Link 21L].

4.2 Starting EMP Link 21L (for Macintosh)

When Macintosh starts up, EMP Link 21L starts at the same time as well. To display its toolbar and
dialog box, select [Show EMP Link 21L] from the [Window] menu.