Eurotech Appliances Winner User Manual
Page 8

In case of dual channel unit (2 to 4 SIM) the following information and programming
steps are relevant:
Once you connect the power adaptor to the connector (next to the RJ-11 connector) the
unit should power up and the LCD should show the first #1 Operator/ Provider name
after initialization.
Note: please wait for about 30 seconds to power up!
Stage 4 Programming of SIM cards WINNER GSM Dual channel up to 8 SIMs:
For cases where you use more than 1 SIM only!
Otherwise skip the following; you are finished and can now use your WINNER GSM
single channel unit.
Now the unit is working, we need to verify that each prefix is setup according to the
correct SIM.
First, connect a landline phone to the RJ-11 cable of the particular channel you want to
test the device.
On the V-8002 / D1 or D2, each channel has it own RJ-11
To start programming the WINNER you need to pick up the handset of the landline
phone and press the star key 3 times " * * * ".
LCD should indicate "Programming Mode" ( it is now in programming mode).
In order to scroll through "Programming Mode" menu press "#".
To enter the sub menu press "*".
1. Adding or editing the SIM Prefixes:
Step 1: Pick up the handset of the landline phone and press " * * * ", LCD should
indicate "Programming Mode".
Step 2: After 1 second LCD should show "1. SIM Prefixes", press "*" to get into the sub
menu, LCD will indicate "Select SIM#1".
To s cr oll b et ween t h e S IM s p r es s "# ". For ch oos in g t h e S IM you wis h t o a d d
prefixes press "*".
Step 3: If there are not any prefixes the LCD will indicate "SIM#3 is empty" and after 1
second the LCD will indicate:
"ADD? *-yes, #-no".
If there are prefixes programmed, (for example: SIM number 3) the LCD will indicate
"SIM#3: Prefix , you ca n view a ll t h e p r efixes b y p r es s in g t h e p ou n d k ey # .
Step 4: At the end of the prefixes LCD will indicate "ADD? *-yes, #-no".
To add new prefix press "*" the LCD will indicate "Add SIM#3:", press your prefix and "*"
t o in p u t . LCD will in d ica t e (a ga in ) Ad d S IM# 3 : if you wis h t o in s er t a n ot h er p r efix
press your prefix, if you do not wish to insert press "*" again.
Returning to the main menu press "#" until LCD will indicate "1. SIM Prefixes".
2. CLEARING Prefixes: Allow you to delete all prefixes in any specific SIM:
Step 1: Pick up the handset of the landline phone and press " * * * ", LCD will indicate
"Programming Mode"
Step 2: After 1 second LCD will display "1. SIM Prefixes", press "#" until LCD will
indicate "2. CLEAR Prefixes"
Step 3: press "*" to roll into the sub menu. The LCD will indicate "Select SIM#1".