Eurotech Appliances Winner User Manual
Page 10

7. InterDigit tmr: Allow you to control in which form the call will be transmited (By
Step 1: Pick up the handset of the landline phone and press " * * * ".
LCD will indicate "Programming Mode".
After 1 second LCD will indicate "1. SIM Prefixes", press "#" until LCD indicates
"7. InterDigit tmr"
Step 2: Press "*" to scroll into the sub menu, the LCD will indicate:
"# - Change / * - E xit . Aft er 1 s econ d LCD will d is p la y "5 0 m s X2 0 0 ", t o ch oos e p r es s
"#", LCD will display "50msX (001-200)", you have to choose digit between 001 to 200
(d igit on p h on e h a ve t o b e 3 d igit s ), if you d on t p r es s "*" t o exit .
8. IgnoreFirstDig: Allows you to choose first digit to ignore:
Step 1: Pick up the handset of the landline phone and press " * * *",
LCD will indicate "Programming Mode". After 1 second LCD will display "1. SIM Prefixes",
press "#" until LCD indicates "8. IgnoreFirstDig".
Step 2: Press "*" to roll into the sub menu, the LCD will indicate "# - Change / * - Exit".
After 1 second LCD will indicate "Digit: ". To choose digit press "#" until LCD displays the
digit that you need and press "*" to choose.
9. S/W Version : Indicates the Software version.
10. Data Mode : Must be off when being used for 'Voice' only.
11. Pre_Dialling: Allows you to write string that will be transmitted with number phone:
Step 1: Pick up the handset of the landline phone and press " * * * ".
LCD will indicate "Programming Mode". After 1 second LCD show "1. SIM Prefixes", press
"#" until LCD will indicate "11. Pre_Dialling"
Step 2: Press "*" to roll into the sub menu, the LCD will indicate "# - Change / * - Exit".
After 1 second LCD show "String: ", press "#" write your string and press long "*",
(until LCD will indicate "11. Pre_Dialling" .
12. Setup CID : The option to block the Caller I.D in your gateway (will not show the
caller number on your LCD).
STEP 6: Testing prior to departing site.
In case of more than 1 SIM: make calls to each provider and see the call progress on the
LCD, You s h ou ld s ee Pr ovid er s a n d t h e d ia led n u m b er , if a ll wor k s 'OK' t h en you a r e