Eurotech Appliances Winner User Manual
Page 4

Th is u s er s m a n u a l will h elp you b es t in s t a ll you r WINNE R GS M ga t ewa y u n it , a n d
provide you with the basic guidelines for handling any problems that might arise.
In general, the WINNER GSM single/dual gateways provide a flexible and cost efficient
connection between your telephone system and the GSM mobile networks. In essence
the device acts as a router that is programmed to choose the Least Cost Route when you
make a call from your PSTN line to a cellular phone. The GSM gateway connects to a
trunk line and bypasses the telephone company thus significantly reducing overhead
costs of telephone calls.
Connect to your PBX or landline phone or even to a specific phone extension (special
order), and you will save money on all calls by bypassing the telephone network and
obtaining direct access to the GSM networks.
The embedded 'Wismo Quik' Wavecom Module and SIM cards which act as 'Smart' user
Id cards that encrypt voice and data transmissions and store data about the specific
user and personal phone settings, together make the GSM gateway a cell phone in itself.
The WINNER gateways are therefore an essential tool for cutting overhead costs of
telephone bills as they allows direct access to the GSM networks and cuts costs of
airtime and interconnections.
The WINNER GSM gateways are intended for middle to large enterprises but can be
installed on regular phone lines in your home or home office.
There are certain features that may be relevant to the product you have selected
and some that are not. At any rate all are discussed in the following manual.
The WINNER GSM single/ dual channel units, when used with the appropriate telephone
equipment (antenna, adapter, SIM cards, telephone PSTN line or PBX) will function as an
ordinary landline and support the following features:
Cost-saving routing of incoming calls
'Follow Me' call forwarder to your personal mobile
GSM and PSTN interconnection via internal LCR
Caller ID, LCD, RTC
Fax, Data, SMS Transmission Optional
Internal Battery Backup Optional
FXO/ FXS interface
Polarity Reverse
Outstanding voice performance and echo cancellation
The WINNER - GSM Dual Channel Gateway unit: Main features and Benefits
Can use up to SIMs (up to four SIM cards per GSM channel enabling two
outgoing simultaneous calls to any four operators