X-array install – Electro-Voice X-Array Install Xi-1122-85 User Manual
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-Array Install
Xi-1122/85 Loudspeaker System
X-Array Install
Xi-1122/85 Loudspeaker System
The wiring diagram of the loudspeaker sys-
tem is shown in Figure 7. The electrical im-
pedance is shown in Figure 6.
Amplifier Requirements
Power amplfiers with the following ratings
are recommended for use with the
Xi-1122/85 speaker systems:
LF: 300-600 watts continuous into 8 ohms.
HF: 125-250 watts continuous into 8 ohms.
Xi-1122/85 speakers may be paralleled only
with other Xi-1122/85 speakers if the am-
plifier is capable of delivering full power at
the lower impedances. The use of amplifi-
ers with lower power ratings is acceptable;
however, the full-power capabilities of the
Xi speakers will not be realized. The use of
amplifiers with significantly higher power
ratings will generate maximum dynamic
range and fidelity, but care must be utilized
for longer duration signals as mechanical and
thermal damage are possible in the system.
Under certain circumstances, higher rated
amplifiers are acceptable. It is acceptable to
drive the Xi-1122/85 speakers with a stereo
power amp utilizing one channel to drive the
low frequencies and the other channel to
drive the high frequencies. See owner's
manuals on various controllers for appropri-
ate settings.
Flying The X-Array Install™ Systems
A manual entitled the X-Array Install™ Fly-
ing Manual is available from Electro-Voice,
and is included with each flying Xi loud-
speaker system. A brief introductory over-
view is included here. The X-Array Install™
Flying Manual should be consulted for com-
plete structural specifications and detailed in-
formation on safely suspending and using the
Xi systems.
The Xi systems incorporate a unique, two-
point flying system that permits a wide range
of vertical angle adjustment, and offers maxi-
mum flexibility in array design for both tour-
ing sound and permanent installations. The
quick-release, aircraft-rated, heavy-duty,
L-track-type hardware design allows arrays
of loudspeakers to be assembled (and disas-
sembled) very quickly, and offers such flex-
ibility in the vertical angling of cabinets that
pull-up points are usually unnecessary.
Furthermore, all of the flying Xi loud-
speaker models include the same rigging
hardware, allowing different models to be
mixed as necessary throughout an array.
The working-load limit (for an 8:1 safety
factor) for each rigging point on the Xi loud-
speaker enclosure is 227 kg (500 lb) for a 0°
pull angle and 170 kg (375 lb) for a 90° pull
angle when used with the New Haven
NH32101-2 double-stud fitting, and 113 kg
(250 lb) when used with the New Haven
NH8192-2S or Ancra 42546-10 single-stud
fittings with locking pins. The working-load
(for an 8:1 safety factor) limit for the overall
enclosure is 340 kg (750 lb). (Consult the
X-Array Install™ Flying Manual for specific
structural ratings and limitations.) The en-
closures may be oriented with the rigging
track on the sides of the enclosure, or on the
top and bottom, and may be daisy-chained
together as long as the safety factor is 8:1 or
greater, and local regulations are met. For
fire safety and additional structural strength
in both flying orientations, top-to-bottom and
side-to-side metal straps link the rigging
track inside the enclosure. Electro-Voice
offers a line of flying-hardware accessories
for use with the Xi loudspeaker systems.
All associated rigging is the responsibility
of others.
CAUTION: The Xi loudspeaker system
should be suspended overhead only in ac-
cordance with the procedures and limita-
tions specified in the X-Array Install™ Fly-
ing Manual and manual update notices.
Field Replacement
The Xi-1122/85 was designed for expedient
field service. Removing the woofer bolts
allows the woofer to be easily removed.
Removing the horn-mounting screws allows
access to the compression driver, both
through the horn and woofer baffle cutouts.
A woofer failure will require replacement of
the entire driver. In the case of a compres-
sion driver failure, a diaphragm assembly
replacement kit with instructions is available.
If desired, the complete driver may be
returned for service.
The following replacement parts are avail-
able from Electro-Voice Service in
Buchanan, Michigan:
LF: Complete woofer: EV Part No. 812-3073
HF: Diaphragm kit: EV Part No. 84233-XX
dom-noise signal to simulate typical music
to test the mechanical and thermal capabili-
ties of the loudspeakers. The Dx34 digital
electronic unit was used to provide the
necessary crossover filters and equaliza-
tion during power testing. Specifically,
the Xi-1122/85 passes the ANSI/EIA
RS-426-A power test with the follwing test
Low-Frequency Section:
300 watts
Test Voltages:
47.0 volts rms
94.0 volts peak
(1.15 R
7.36 ohms
High-Frequency Section:
75 watts
Test Voltages:
28.46 volts rms
57.8 volts peak
(1.15 R
10.8 ohms
Crossover, Equalization and Time-Delay
The Xi-1122/85 speaker system (and vari-
ants) is designed as an integrated package
that utilizes any of the following controllers;
Merlin ISP100, Electro-Voice Dx34 digital
crossover system or Klark Teknik DN8000.
Optimal performance of the Xi-1122/85
speaker system can only be assured when
using the above-referenced controllers. All
controllers used with the Xi-1122/85 feature
a 1,480-Hz crossover frequency utilizing
24-dB-per-octave Linkwitz-Riley filters. All
contain fixed time-delay and equalization for
optimum performance of the Xi-1122/85.
Electrical Connection and System
Electrical connections to the Xi-1122/85 are
made on the back of the enclosure via a
4-pin conncector. There are two connectors
on the input panel to allow paralleling of
other Xi-1122/85 systems. The Neutrik
NL4MPR is used for both connec-
tions. The pin assignments are as follows:
Pin 1+: LF(+)
Pin 1-: LF(–)
Pin 2+: HF(+)
Pin 2-: HF(–)