Microwaving microwaving, Cook by time, Cook by time 1 & 2 – GE Profile Advantium Series 30 Inch Over-the-Range Microwave Oven Owner Manual User Manual
Page 22: My recipes, Add 30 sec, Cooking tips, Microwave power level(s)
49-7000135 Rev. 0
Cook By Time
pre-set microwave selections.
Press the MICROWAVE pad.
dial to enter.
Turn the dial to set the cook time and press the dial
to enter.
Turn the dial to set the power level and press the dial
to enter.
Press the dial or the START/ PAUSE pad to start
the food. Close the door and press START/PAUSE to Cook By Time 1 & 2 8VH&22.%<7,0( WRPLFURZDYHIRRGWKDW 1. Press the MICROWAVE pad. 7XUQWKHGLDOWRVHOHFW&22.DQGSUHVVWKHGLDOWR enter. 7XUQWKHGLDOWRVHOHFW&22.%<7,0( DQG press the dial to enter. 4. Turn the dial to set the first time and press the dial 5. Press the dial or the START/PAUSE pad to start My Recipes See the MY RECIPE sections in the Speedcook section Add 30 Sec Press ADD 30 SEC repeatedly for 30 second increments The power level is automatically set at high, but you Cooking Tips Ŷ:KHQFRRNLQJEDFRQOD\HUVWULSVRQDSODWH&RYHU each layer with a paper towel. Ŷ:KHQFRRNLQJYHJHWDEOHVXVHDPLFURZDYHVDIH casserole or bowl. Cover with a microwave-safe lid or Ŷ )RUIUR]HQYHJHWDEOHVIROORZWKHSDFNDJHLQVWUXFWLRQV for adding water. Ŷ )RUIUHVKYHJHWDEOHVDGGWDEOHVSRRQVRIZDWHUIRU each serving. Microwave Power Level(s) The microwave power level is automatically set on all PLFURZDYHIHDWXUHVEXW\RXFDQFKDQJHLWIRU&22. )LUVWIROORZGLUHFWLRQVIRU&22.%<7,0(&22.%< 7,0( 0,&52RU'()5267%<7,0( 2. Select START or press the START/PAUSE pad to 3. Press EDIT to change the cooking time and then Here are some examples of uses for various power High 10: )LVKEDFRQYHJHWDEOHVERLOLQJOLTXLGV Med-High 7: Gentle cooking of meat and poultry; baking casseroles and reheating. Medium 5: Slow cooking and tenderizing for stews and less tender cuts of meat. Low 2 or 3: Defrosting; simmering; delicate sauces. Warm 1: .HHSLQJIRRGZDUPVRIWHQLQJEXWWHU
resume cooking.
to enter. Repeat for the first power level, the second
time, and the second power level.
of this book for instructions on how to save, use, change
or delete a microwave custom recipe.
of microwave cooking time. Oven starts immediately.
can change it for more flexibility. See Microwave Power
Levels section for instructions.
vented plastic wrap.
%<7,0(&22.%<7,0( $''6(&DQG
the microwave power level. Press the dial to enter
cooking time and power level changes.