Number of knobsets to cache, Artist series, Cubase 13 – Euphonix MC Mix User Manual

Page 13

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professional control surfaces

Artist Series




Tape machine style transport not checked

Stop: The control surface STOP button copies the Cubase stop button.

Fast Forward/Rewind: The FF/RW buttons function as EuCon Momentary/
Latch-Switches. If the button is pressed and released quickly, the switches
do NOT latch but behave momentarily, resembling the way these buttons
work in the Nuendo GUI. If the Artist device’s

FF/RW buttons are held down

longer than the latch time set in the Preferences-Setup page, they latch.

Number of knobsets to cache

Cubase creates knobsets for EQ, Dynamic, Inserts, Aux sends and other functions.
A certain number of these knobsets are kept, or cached, in RAM. For large
projects on a large control surface, increasing the number of knobsets in the cache
can access them faster but uses more RAM. It is rare to change this value.