ProSoft Technology MVI56E-MCMR User Manual
Page 59

MVI56E-MCMR ♦ ControlLogix Platform
Configuring the MVI56E-MCMR Module
Modbus Communication Module with Reduced Data Block
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 59 of 225
May 13, 2014
Float Flag
or N
Enables or disables use of floating data type
Float Start
0 to 32767
Register offset in message for floats
Float Offset
0 to 3998
Internal address for floats
Function 99 Offset
1 to 247
Modbus node address for this port on the network
Minimum Command Delay 0-65535 milliseconds
The amount of delay in milliseconds to be inserted after receiving a
Slave response or encountering a response timeout before retrying the
command or sending the next command on the list. Use this
parameter to slow down overall polling speed and spread out
commands on networks with Slaves that require additional gaps
between messages.
Command Error Pointer
Internal DB location to place command error list
Each command will reserve one word for the command error code for
that command. See Verify Communication (page 107). C
value should be within the range of the R
array. See
Backplane Configuration (page 56).
Error Delay Counter
This parameter specifies the number of poll attempts to be skipped
before trying to re-establish communications with a slave that has
failed to respond to a command within the time limit set by the
Response Timeout parameter. After the slave fails to respond, the
master will skip sending commands that should have been sent to the
slave until the number of skipped commands matches the value
entered in this parameter. This creates a sort of slow poll mode for
slaves that are experiencing communication problems.
Response Timeout
0 to 65535 milliseconds response timeout for command before it will
either reissue the command, if R
If the RetryCount =0 or if the designated number of retries have been
accomplished, then the Master will move on to the next command in
the list.
Retry Count
Number of times to retry a failed command request before moving to
the next command on the list.