ProSoft Technology MVI69-EGD User Manual
Page 29

Configuring the MVI69-EGD Module
MVI69-EGD ♦ CompactLogix or MicroLogix Platform
GE Ethernet Global Data Communication Module
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 29 of 96
November 3, 2008
2.4.1 Exch
Producer: exchange will be producing data to other stations
Consumer: exchange will be consuming data from another station
The Exchange Type field defines the type of exchange used in the exchange as
either producer or consumer. Producer exchanges (P) are generated by the
driver using the module's database. Consumer exchanges (C) are those received
from other EGD devices with the data in the message being placed in the
module's database.
2.4.2 Cast
When the Exchange Type is Producer, the cast type field determines if the
exchange is a unicast ('U' = point-to-point) exchange, multicast ('M'=multicast
group) or a broadcast ('B' = all nodes) exchange.
Producer Unicast - produce message to another station
Producer Multicast - produce message to a group of stations. In order to use
this option you need to configure the same Multicast IP address used in the
exchange also at the EGD MULTICAST ADDRESS section.
Important: For Multicast mode, use transmit rates of 1 or 2 for best results.
Producer Broadcast - produce message to all stations (set exchange IP
address to
When the Exchange Type is Consumer, the cast type field determines how the
local database area associated to this exchange will be updated in case an RF
Error (timeout) occurs.
Consumer No DB Change on RF Error
Consumer Set DB to -1 On RF Error
Consumer Set DB to 0 On RF Error
Consumer Set DB to 1 On RF Error
2.4.3 DB
The DB Register field defines the starting database register in the module where
data sourced (produced data) or placed (consumed data) is determined by the
value entered in the DB Reg column. This parameter can have a value of 0 to
3999. The validity of the entry is dependent on the number of registers (Reg
Count) to be produced or consumed. The sum of the two values cannot exceed
4000, as this would be outside the range of the module's database.
2.4.4 Reg
Number of database registers to transfer/accept in message.