Auto", "r+", "r-", "r+timer", "r-timer" modes, Warning – Amprobe MEGATEST-1000 Megohmmeter User Manual
Page 11

5.1.2 "AUTO", "R+", "R-", "R+TIMER", "R-TIMER" MODES:
1. Select the desired mode by means of the FUNC key.
2. Connect the black and blue cables to the instrument input terminals P and N
Connection of the instrument terminals during LOW
Ω test.
3. Connect two alligator clips to the test leads.
4. Short-circuit the measuring cable ends making sure that the conductive parts of the clips
make a good contact to each other. (See section 3.1.1) Press the GO key. If the
instrument displays a resistance value other than 0.00 repeat the instrument
calibration (see paragraph 4).
6. Connect the instrument terminals to the ends of the conductor on which the continuity test is
to be carried out (see previous picture).
7. If the mode "R+TIMER" or "R-TIMER" was selected use the following keys to select
the duration time of the test:
press this key to increase the duration time of the test (Tmax=15 seconds).
press this key to decrease the duration time of the test (Tmin=3 seconds).
8. Press
GO key. The instrument effects the measurement.
In R+/R- Timer mode press GO key again if the test is to be stopped.
The display of “Measuring” means that the instrument is
measuring and voltage is present. Never touch or disconnect
test leads during this phase.