Magnetic Products Metal Detectors for Meat, Poultry and Seafood User Manual

Safety sensitivity stability, Metal detectors for meat, poultry and seafood, Features and benefits

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Features and benefits

About Magnetic

Products, Inc. (MPI)

Magnetic Products

Inc. (MPI), based in

southeastern Michigan,

is a worldwide provider

of both magnetic and

non-magnetic material

handling solutions. MPI

leads the industry by

continually engineering

inventive magnetic

equipment and advancing

customer education,

through significant

investments in research

and development

and proactive product

training. For 30 years,

MPI has implemented

a business model that

combines technologically

superior equipment with

industry-leading customer

service. MPI interacts

closely with its customers

and expands its offerings

to meet the changes of

a dynamic marketplace.

For further

information, visit

MD-MEAT March 2011 © Magnetic Products, Inc.

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Automatic balance and calibration of electronics

ensures many years of reliable performance. After

initial set up, no further adjustment of electronics

is needed.

no maintenance electronics

Intuitive operation

The display panel shows only the information needed

to operate the detector. Easy-to-use software and

a simple teaching menu allows set up and use by

non-technical personnel. Over 120 products can be

stored and recalled. Password protection ensures

that only authorized users operate equipment.

outstanding sensitivity and stability

New “recipes” or changes to current data are easily

programmed. Digital noise filters eliminate any

undesired signals, while multichannel technology

provides optimum detection of ferrous, nonferrous or

stainless steel contaminants. The integrated sensor

is built to withstand the rigors of a harsh production

settings. Key internal electronics are fully protected

and reliably perform in even the most challenging

wet or dry environments.

Per HACCP principles, Metal Detectors are

considered a critical control point and continuous

checking is required to meet standards. Cassel

Metal Detectors can be programmed to automatically

remind the operator to test equipment performance

at pre-set intervals. Metal contaminant detections,

changes in parameter settings, etc., are logged with

both date and time. The log can be viewed on screen

or downloaded via a serial port. To fulfill HACCP

and IFS standards, data can be downloaded to a

Windows-based PC.

HACCP and IFS Compliance

powerful electromagnetic field

Cassel’s electromagnetic field is much stronger than

needed, eliminating “noise” disturbances from outside

forces which can hamper equipment effectiveness. A

powerful electromagnetic field provides excellent signal-

to-noise ratio.

Although more costly to

manufacture, Cassel’s

electronic components

include the bare minimum

of potentiometers and

plug connections. This

design assures extreme

durability and no loose

contacts or corrosion

on contact surfaces. Competitors often rely on

low-cost tiny plugs to connect internal electrical and

board components, which lead to loose contacts and

unstable operation.

extremely durable

electronic systems

high-speed digital signal processor (DSP)

Highly effective high-speed processors support digital

filters to provide:

more efficient product-effect-compensation (needed

in the food industry)

more effective noise reduction, allowing

identification of even the smallest metal particles

More features and benefits

Cassel’s METAL SHARK® 2

Free style teach area

With the new Metal Shark® 2,

the teach area is pre-determined

in accordance with the product

effect with Cassel free-style,

exclusive Four-Quadrant

technology. Metal signals are

detected because the teach

area is minimized.

Cassel’s exclusive



Metal Detectors for

Meat, Poultry and Seafood

Free Testing for

Metal Detector


Magnetic Products, Inc.

offers free in-house

testing for Metal Detector

applications. MPI’s

laboratory houses a

state-of-the-art Metal

Detector and other related

equipment. After testing,

the customer will receive

a written overview of

findings and equipment


For further information,

please contact MPI by

phone at 800.544-5930 or

248.887-5600, or by e-mail

at [email protected]

Have a question about

Magnets, Metal Control

or Material Handling products?

Ask the

Magnet Man

Magnetic Products, Inc. (MPI) offers a complete line of Cassel next-generation Metal

Detectors, featuring exclusive “Four-Quadrant” technology. Integrated Four-Quadrant

technology allows Cassel equipment to readily adjust settings to detect metals in even the

most “difficult” products such as fresh meat or high salt content foods. To ensure maximum

performance, users are taken through a series of easy-to-follow, step-by-step, high-graphic

screens to set standards for product testing. By finding even the smallest particles of ferrous,

nonferrous and stainless steel contaminants, Cassel Metal Detectors assist food processors

to meet HACCP, IFS, BRC and GMP safety standards.





Metal Detectors

for meat, poultry and seafood

M a g n e t i c P r o d u c t s , I n c .

P.O. Box 529 • 683 Town Center Dr. • Highland, MI 48357 USA

P 800.544.5930 • F 248.887.6100 • • [email protected]

Magnetic Products, Inc. (MPI) is the exclusive North American distributor for Cassel Metal

Detectors and Checkweighers for the food, pharmaceutical, plastics, aggregate, recycling

and mining industries.