Ericsson Scan And System Portable Radios LPE-200 User Manual
Page 20

AE/LZB 119 1902 R1A
Table 1 - General Troubleshooting
Possible Cause/Action Required
Completely Inoperative (no
display or audio on power up)
Power Supply Problem?
1. Check battery voltage with a voltmeter.
2. Charge battery or replace battery.
3. Check to be sure battery contacts are not broke or bent.
4. Clean battery contacts.
5. Check Fuse (F190).
At power -up an error
message is displayed.
1. See the Error Message Tables in the following pages for
type of error and for a probable solution.
2. Always attempt to reprogram the personality and flash
using the EDACS-3 PC Programmer.
Receiver inoperative or weak.
1. Channel Guard or Type 99 Enabled?
2. Defective antenna/ or antenna switch assembly - replace
antenna/ or antenna switch assembly.
3. Main Board failure?
Return to Lynchburg Depot for repair (recommended)
Troubleshoot Main Board using the test point diagrams
in Figure 8. Replace or repair board as required.
Transmitter inoperative or
low power
1. Programmed Incorrectly - check personality.
2. Weak battery - check voltage
3. Defective antenna/ or antenna switch assembly - replace
antenna/ or antenna switch assembly.
4. PA Module failure - replace PA Module.
5. Main Board failure?
Return to Lynchburg Depot for repair (recommended)
Troubleshoot Main Board using the test point diagrams
in Figure 8. Replace or repair board as required.
Transmitter and Receiver
Inoperative on some channels
1. Programmed Incorrectly - check personality.
2. Main Board failure?
Return to Lynchburg Depot for repair (recommended)
Troubleshoot Main Board using the test point diagrams
in Figure 8. Replace or repair board as required.