Other tips and ideas – Logosol M8 User Manual
Page 33

Congratulations! You have built your own outdoor hot tub.
TIP: Build a footbath, using the same
method as for the hot tub, so that you
can wash off grass and dirt from your
feet before plunging into the bath.
TIP: Cresset holders beside the hot
tub increase the cosiness factor. You
should, however, not place them too
close. The candle grease can ’explode’
if water gets into the cresset.
TIP: A floating table, for instance
a remodelled lifebuoy, gives you
somewhere to place juice glasses
and snacks that are easily reached by
everyone in the hot tub.
TIP: As a help to climb into the hot
tub, you can have a decking floor at
a convenient height around the hot
tub, or small steps on the inside and
outside of the side boards.
TIP: Fit a beautifully carved pole to the
outside of the hot tub, which can serve
as a handgrip when you are climbing
into or out of the hot tub.
TIP: Nail two boards (0.5 m and 1.5 m)
together, so that they form a big T. This
is the perfect tool to stir in the hot tub
in order to get an even temperature.
Other tips and ideas
Tips on purification accessories:
Water purification system with pump
and sand filter: from about £300.
A large, powerful aquarium filter
costs about £150. Chlorine tablets
1 kg, £7-10. Chlorine meter, £7-10.
(For 2000 litres of water a couple of
teaspoons of chlorine is needed.)
Talk to a retailer of swimming pool
TIP: If you use chlorine tablets, place
them in a plastic jar with holes in it.
The tablets can leave burn marks if
they are in direct contact with wood.
Find out what regulations apply
to the chemical you are using.
Follow the safety instructions and
the recommended handling of the
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