Turning the hot tub over, Foundation-laying – Logosol M8 User Manual
Page 26

Go and get your friends again. You
should be at least three persons when
turning the hot tub over but, if possible,
more than three is even better. The
hot tub should be turned over in line
with the bottom joists, and without
getting any buckles or joints under it.
Place something on the ground as a
protection for the side boards, and a
couple of thick planks on the sides
in order to prevent the hot tub from
rolling sideways when it is standing
on its end. Tip the tub over on its end.
Place boards under the middle bottom
joists to avoid breaking the side boards
against the ground before the hot tub
is completely tipped over.
Take caution.
Stand at the side of the hot tub
when turning it over.
Do not stand where you run the risk
of getting the hot tub over you in case
it should fall down accidentally.
Turning the hot tub over
Choose a site with a firm and level
ground. Cover the ground with
flagstones, or something else, to
prevent grass from growing under the
hot tub. Air must be allowed to circulate
under the hot tub. The bottom joists
should not be in contact with the soil.
Each bottom joist should rest on three
points: one in the middle and one on
each end. Use, for instance, flagstones
or sleepers on wich you lay tar paper.
The hot tub should lean a couple of
millimetres towards the outlet.
Fit the fleur-
de-lis over the
metal hoops.
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