Sealey API2100 User Manual
Industrial steel workbenches, Instructions for, Model nos

InstructIons for:
industrial steel workbenches
MoDEL nos:
aPi1500, aPi800, aPI2100
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and properly maintained,
give you years of trouble free performance.
1. saFetY instructions
IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions careFullY. note the saFe oPerational reQuireMents, warninGs & cautions.
use the Product correctlY and with care For the PurPose For which it is intended. Failure to do so MaY cause
daMaGe and/or Personal inJurY and will inValidate the warrantY. Please keeP instructions saFe For Future use.
1.1 General saFetY
warninG! Ensure Health & Safety, local authority, and
general workshop practice regulations are adhered to when
using this workbench.
warninG! use workbench on level and solid ground, preferably
concrete. Avoid tarmacadam since the workbench may sink into
the surface.
Locate workbench in a suitable working area.
Keep the work area clean, uncluttered and ensure there is
adequate lighting.
Keep the workbench clean and tidy in accordance with good
workshop practice.
Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the
working area.
do not use the workbench
for any purpose other than that for
which it is designed.
do not undertake work on the workbench without the
workpiece being adequately secured. use clamps or a vice (not
included) to secure the workpiece. Available from your sealey
do not use the workbench out of doors.
do not get the workbench wet or use in damp or wet
locations or areas where there is condensation.
do not clean the workbench with any solvents which may
damage the work surface or the painted surfaces.
Note! The assembly of this product will require assistance.
2.1 introduction: Manufactured from heavy gauge steel,
these benches are the top end of our range with a weight
capacity of 1000kg (evenly distributed). fitted with adjustable
feet to ensure work surface is level even if your floor is not.
40mm thick laminate worktop is edged with double thick trim.
optional single or two drawer unit, vice support or back
panels easily attach converting the workbench into a
2.2 sPeciFication:
Model no: ................ width .... depth...height
API1500 .................. 1500 ...... 750 .......850mm
API1800.................... 1800 ...... 750 .......850mm
API2100.................... 2100 ...... 750 .......850mm
see fig.2. Join the two leg frames (2) together using one of
the upper beams (3) and four short screws (5). Ensure that
the open sections on all components are facing inwards. fix
the second upper beam (3) in place using four short screws
(5). Align the fixing holes in the lower beam with the holes in
the two leg frames and fix in place using four short screws (5).
see fig.3. Lay the bench top (1) face down on a smooth
clean surface. Invert the assembled frame and place it
centrally onto the bench top. Align the holes in the upper
beams with the holes in the underside of the bench top and
fix the frame onto the bench top using six short screws (5).
3.3 turn the assembled bench
onto its feet as shown in fig.4.
3.4 site the bench in the
workplace observing the
advice given in section 1.
3.5 Adjust the feet to compensate
for uneven surfaces and lock
each foot using the locking
nut shown in the adjacent
2. introduction and sPeciFications
3. workbench asseMblY
Original Language Version
API1500, API1800, API2100 Issue no.1 20/05/10