Sealey DH03 User Manual
Hydraulic drum loader, Dh03.v2, Instructions for

2. introduction
dAnGEr! When assembling, it is recommended that it is by two people.
Familiarise yourself with this products application and limitations, as well as the specific potential hazards peculiar to the drum loader.
Maintain the
drum loader in good condition including lubrication (use an authorised service agent for mechanical maintenance).
Replace or repair damaged parts. Use recommended parts only. Non authorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the
Keep the drum loader clean for best and safest performance.
Operate the drum loader in a suitable working area for its function, level even concrete flooring (avoid tarmacadum), keep the area
clean and tidy and ensure there is adequate lighting.
Ensure the load is correctly secured before transporting.
Keep hands and body clear of the rim grab mechanism when engaging the drum.
Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure the floor is not slippery and wear non-slip steel toe-capped shoes/boots.
Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the working area.
Use only the designed handle bars to push, pull and steer the drum loader.
When not in use, release the pressure from the hydraulic unit and allow it to descend fully.
do not operate the drum loader if any parts are missing as this may cause failure and/or possible personal injury.
do not use to transport anything other than steel deep rimmed drums, capacity 205 litre.
do not exceed the maximum load or drum capacity.
do not make any modifications to the drum loader.
do not operate the drum loader when you are tired or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.
WArninG! the warnings, cautions and instructions in this manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that
may occur. it must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this
product, but must be applied by the operator.
HYdrAuLic druM LoAdEr
Ideal for loading and unloading barrel bunds, vans and general drum handling
when forklift is not available. Suitable for 205ltr drums. Foot operated hydraulics,
side handles and smooth-rolling wheels aid handling and manoeuvrability.
3. SPEciFicAtionS
IMPORTANT: PLEASE rEAd tHESE inStructionS cArEFuLLY. notE tHE SAFE oPErAtionAL rEQuirEMEntS, WArninGS & cAutionS. uSE tHE
Product corrEctLY And WitH cArE For tHE PurPoSE For WHicH it iS intEndEd. FAiLurE to do So MAY cAuSE dAMAGE And/or PErSonAL
inJurY And WiLL inVALidAtE tHE WArrAntY. KEEP tHESE inStructionS SAFE For FuturE uSE.
thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard, this product will, if used according to these
instructions, and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
Model: dH03.V2
Maximum Drum Height:
Leg Height:
Leg Length:
Width Inside Legs:
Maximum Width:
Overall Maximum Height:
Overall Minimum Height:
Weight: 67kg
DH03.V2 Issue No: 2(I) - 05/06/15
Original Language Version
© Jack Sealey Limited
Refer to the instruction manual Wear Safety footwear
Warning; Crushing of hands
Wear protective gloves
Frame Assembly
note! the drum loader is supplied partially assembled requiring minimal assembly. the central vertical column complete with
hydraulics and grab mechanics are pre assembled ready to install on to the base transporter frame.
4.1.1 Remove all components, frame members, fixings etc. from the packing case except for the central column (see 4.1.3.).
4.1.2. Fit the base frame legs (71) pre assembled with castors to the box section base frame (69) with the socket head cap screws and spring
washers (70) and (62). Tighten fully and stand the assembled base transporter frame on its castors.
See fig.2.
4.1.3. Lift the central column, to the vertical with gloved hands (two people). Lift either inside the packing case to avoid the column runners,
which are smeared with grease or remove from the packing case.
4.1.4. Bolt the vertical column to the base frame (fig.3) with 4 sets of M8 fixings (60) (61) (61) (62) (63). Tighten fully.
4.1.5. Bolt the vertical column to the base frame with 2 sets of M12 fixings (64) (32) (32) (65) (66). Tighten fully.
4.1.6. Fit the two plastic gripped steel handles (52) (53) to the top of the column (fig.4) with the two socket set screws (43).
4.1.7. Close the valve at the top of the hydraulic cylinder (fig.4) and foot pump to test, open the valve to return.
Fulcrum Assembly
(rim grab jaws)